Re: ad> little angel.....tatercat

Mommy's little angel II.....and if you believe that I have some

>swampland for you to take a look at. > >
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> >Thanks for looking! > >Jill Newman ^..^ Tatercat Studio >Contact me through my auctions. > >'Why does cat hair stick to everything but the cat?'

I keep threatening to shave the cat if I find one more hair in my polyclay. One of these days I will do it!

Your little "angel" is gorgeous!!! And I am glad to see you selling over on Ebay too for a change - I really hope that the wider audience over there get to see your work, because there are lot of people out there who probably dont venture over to Justbeads or people who have no idea what *quality* polymer clay work is being created by a few top artists such as yourself thesedays.

I hope you get lots of bids, if that sells at your starting price, it will be the steal of the century for the bidder!

Going to check paypal account........;-) Emma x

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E J Ralph
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Thanks Emma!

Shaving wouldn't help....they'd find something to track through and then walk on our clay...leaving ever so subtle (not) evidence of their presence.

I often ask DH how our cats can lose enough hair to cover half the cats in the known universe...and still have enough to spare to barf a hairball of sufficient size to squeash up through bare toes. :-O

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Oh furballs are fun arent they !

My cat has taken up domestic violence. He has hit me twice today. I always swore if a man hit me, I would walk - but I wasnt prepared for the cat doing it.

This is because I didnt feed him yesterday. Not quite so drastic as it sounds, the cat *could* go and eat with the rest of the cats, in the communual cat refectory that we laughingly call the downstairs bathroom. But no, - Sir is too special to eat with those peasants so he likes to take his dinner alone in my room.

So, because I forgot, he hates me and keeps slapping my ankles with his paw as I walk past him. No claws have been extended yet, so far just warning slaps with his furry paw pads, but give it time ;-)


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E J Ralph

At 4 a.m this morning, I was startled out of a dead sleep for the very reason described below. So how do you get out of bed, if you don't know where to put your feet?


tatercat wrote:

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Isn't it funny how quickly you get trained to hear that "gurg--gurg--gurg--gurg" cat furball noise and leap up to remove cat to outside!

No fair when you are asleep though - that is like them coming and planting mines ;-)


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E J Ralph

luckily mine doesn't get hairballs. Unluckily, every now and then, they decide to regurgitate their food. And I can hear it from a mile away. From a dead sleep. In the middle of the night. And they have figured out how to time it so that no matter how short or long it takes me to get to them, they will upchuck right as my hands touch them to put them into the bathroom. Or on the off chance that they have gone once (or twice), they won't go *AT ALL* in the bathroom.



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