OT: Question re: fees for home dec sewing...

Woo Hoo! After seeing the window treatments, dust ruffles, duvet covers that I have made for my DD's rooms, a friend has requested that I make window treatments and "stuff" the twin size duvet cover for her DD's room. ( By stuff...she wants me to replace the comforter with Warm & Natural, then permanently sew the duvet closed and add enough quilting to keep the W&N from shifting ). She also wants a window treatment made for her home office.

We haven't discussed my fees yet, but she already has all of the fabric/thread for the projects. Suggestions for fees?

- dlm. in central MA

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- dlm.
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Do you want to do it? If so, estimate how long it will take and multiply by what you consider a fair hourly rate. If you don't want to do it, just say no. If you can't do that make the fee so exorbitant that either she'll forget about having you do it or you will be well paid :)

Julia in MN

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Julia in MN

This is something that I am somewhat interested in doing only because of the chance to earn some pin money for doing something that I enjoy. But, given your question to me and your tips, this is something I seriously need to consider before taking on the task. For example, I won't have an idea of how long it will take until we discuss exactly what type of window treatments she wants for her DD's room and her home office. Further, I've never "stuffed" a duvet cover, and sewn it shut, let alone MQed anything bigger than a square the size of a wall hanging. Thanks again for the tips and for prodding me to think before leaping into the fray as it were...

- dlm. in central MA

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- dlm.

When you think you have come up with a fair price -- INCREASE IT by at least 25%!!!!! I do this sort of sewing all the time (it's how I pay for my needlework & quilting habit -- LOL). I've been doing it for years and it's worth a LOT more than you might imagine. Check out prices for the schlocky, commercially made drek that people buy without batting an eyelash and you will understand why I say to increase your price -- even if the woman has already purchased the supplies!!!!! Also, be sure your friend understands that custom made home dec stuff is MORE expensive than the store bought stuff -- that's why it's ***custom made***. CiaoMeow >^;;^<

PAX, Tia Mary >^;;^< (RCTQ Queen of Kitties) Angels can't show their wings on earth but nothing was ever said about their whiskers! Visit my Photo albums at

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Tia Mary

"Tia Mary" suggested the following:

Thanks for the input!

- dlm. in central MA 'UFO Empress'

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- dlm.

Maybe you should consider sending out the duvet to a long arm quilter, and charging whatever the quilter charges, PLUS a handling charge, PLUS the binding charge. I noted elsewhere that you call yourself Empress of UFO. So, that tells me that you like to 'take your time' doing projects, which is fine for your personal sewing. I wonder if having a deadline would be stressful for you. I know it might cause me some anxiety and that is not fun. Consider all this when making the choice. HTH. PAT in VA/USA

- dlm. wrote:

Reply to
Pat in Virginia

The stress factor is another great point to consider, Pat. I did discuss my perfectionistic tendencies with my friend and impressed upon her how this impacts schedule. While she isn't in any hurry...I know that I would feel bad it if took longer than what she expected ( and would be tempted to charge less because of that fact ). I'm definitely going to have to think about this some more before saying "yes."

- dlm. in central MA

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- dlm.

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