OT: Come back M-C!

As most of you know M-C went away last week. First to Dallas then to FL.....I am missing my friend! I hope you are enjoying your visit M-C! Soak up the sunshine while you can. The weather here stinks! Rain, rain go away. To make it worse tomorrow we're supposed to be 41degrees (yeah right) with a "wintery" mix. I've been sick, still haven't shaken the bronchititis from December and now I have a sinius infection. (that's why I feel like someone poured cement in my head while I wasn't looking)

I don't know when she'll be back but I've missed her......come home M-C!

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Awww Kenda, I am so sorry to hear that you are still fighting off your bronchitis!!! And sinus infections are a bear,I had one for months last year. I'll be landing in LR at 8:18 pm tonigh! I've missed you too, though it was great to see Tabitha. She makes a beautiful mommy to be and it's always great to see her DH and daughter. I almost feel like I've been adopted into their family, and I know that they have a big place in my heart!

Has Deb been posting? I don't seem to have seen anything of hers recently! *waving* Hi Deb!

It's time to have a day in "The Scraproom"!

M-C > As most of you know M-C went away last week. First to Dallas then to

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Ahhh Kenda I'm so sorry to hear you're still sick. Sometimes that bronchitus can be SO hard to shake. I agree with you I'm ready for M-C to come home. hehe Hope she had a wonderful time though.


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King's Crown

I'm here! *waves madly with ink on her fingers* I've been stamping like crazy this week trying to get ready for a stamping convention this weekend. LOL Kenda, I'm so sorry to hear you're still sick, and a sinus infection on top of it all! I bet it would help a lot if the weather would straighten out....warm, cold, warm, cold, warm, cold....can't we just stick to a temperature for a while?? MC's coming home!! MC's coming home!! YEAH!!!!!!! How was Dallas? You're flying in tonight, and I fly out Friday morning. I'll be back late Sunday night, though!

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Deb in AR

It was great to see you too M-C. Oh and I downloaded the camera already :) You hold a very special place in our hearts as well.

Eric and I both have caught Abby's cold. I sure hope that you don't catch it.

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Tabitha McCarthy

Oh Kenda I do hope that you get better soon. It was so nice to see M-C again. We went to 2 scrapbooking shops and to Craft Depot. All with a cranky kid LOL I also got to see her latest pages in person. It was awesome!! Loved seeing them in person. Pictures on the net don't do them justice.

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Tabitha McCarthy

Hope you get to feeling better soon Kenda. And also glad to hear that MC had a great time at Tabisha's

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Sorry to hear that you are sick Kenda. Drink lots of hot tea with lemon and honey. It makes me feel better when my head is all plugged up. Take care.

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Cathy Rusk

OOOh, Kenda I hope and pray you are doing better!! I know about the sinus infections as I have chronic sinusitis and get infections OFTEN. much like a head cold, but only on one side, one more so than other.

Yea I know what you mean, I was even goe a few days and see no sign of her and so I was beginning to wonder if YOU and/or DEB SCARED, threatened her or WHAT?!

(ouch! just knew she is reading this and I got the boot, AGAIN!)

none for 5 (unless redoing or adding to pages counts!)

OKC Dave

formatting link

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OKC Dave

Yeap....I had a small cold and got into coughing again...I didn't wait this time... I went Friday MOnday and today for a series of 3 shots again to get rid of it NOW instead of lingering on for 3 months like last time...... GO TO THE DOCTOR!!!!

Yea I know what you mean, I was even goe a few days and see no sign of her and so I was beginning to wonder if YOU and/or DEB SCARED, threatened her or WHAT?!

(ouch! just knew she is reading this and I got the boot, AGAIN!)

none for 5 (unless redoing or adding to pages counts!)

OKC Dave

formatting link

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Well I didn't make it home today :(

After waiting for the plane that was to take us to Memphis to land in Tampa 45 minutes late, we boarded the plane about 30 minutes after we should have taken off. 20 minutes later we were told that there was a mechanical problem and that the maintenance crew had been called. Then we were told some 15 minutes later that the maintenance crew had arrived and it might take anywere from 10 to 60 minutes to fix. 30 minutes later we were told that it might take longer than first expected and were invited to deplane. Finally we were told that we would be rerouted to other companies or to flights tomorrow.

So here I sit in the Tampa airport Marriott without my lugage. They have been searching to see where it has ended up. If the above isn't enough, the internet connection wouldn't work and it took 30 minutes and a tech to get the internet to work in my hotel room. Oh and did I mention that I was walking through a parking lot yesterday and tripped on a branch and fell and scrapped my elbow really bad and my knee (of course I fell on the one that needs a complete knee replacement).

OK, are you guys laughing yet, cause I actually am. In the end it's actually pretty funny. The phone just rang and they have found my luggage. It would seem that they took all the luggage off the plane and just left it in the ramp area. I should have access to it at 11pm eastern. On the plus side, I'm going to have breakfast in bed tomorrow morning about 1/3 of it paid by the Northwest, then get on the plane and go and hug hubby and then open all my QVC stuff. Speaking of the QVC stuff I bought during the scrapbooking and craft day, my DH asked me if I got points for sharing as a kid. I'm like uhhh, why are you asking me that. He said that our hallway looks like I took all the scrapbook toys for myself and left the scrapbookers of the world without toys. I told him I'd be happy to share with anyone that comes to visit the scraproom! That's sharing, right?

Anyhow, I can't wait to be home and catch up with things. Dave I do have your store reviews. Katrina, I did get the pictures of W&W and your store reviews. Amy, I got your bio, but I'll need the link to the place where you share your layouts (webshot/picturetrail) and I'll need your birthday.

Well guys, good night from Tampa International Airport.


OKC Dave wrote:

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Well I didn't make it home today :(

After waiting for the plane that was to take us to Memphis to land in Tampa 45 minutes late, we boarded the plane about 30 minutes after we should have taken off. 20 minutes later we were told that there was a mechanical problem and that the maintenance crew had been called. Then we were told some 15 minutes later that the maintenance crew had arrived and it might take anywere from 10 to 60 minutes to fix. 30 minutes later we were told that it might take longer than first expected and were invited to deplane. Finally we were told that we would be rerouted to other companies or to flights tomorrow.

So here I sit in the Tampa airport Marriott without my lugage. They have been searching to see where it has ended up. If the above isn't enough, the internet connection wouldn't work and it took 30 minutes and a tech to get the internet to work in my hotel room. Oh and did I mention that I was walking through a parking lot yesterday and tripped on a branch and fell and scrapped my elbow really bad and my knee (of course I fell on the one that needs a complete knee replacement).

OK, are you guys laughing yet, cause I actually am. In the end it's actually pretty funny. The phone just rang and they have found my luggage. It would seem that they took all the luggage off the plane and just left it in the ramp area. I should have access to it at 11pm eastern. On the plus side, I'm going to have breakfast in bed tomorrow morning about 1/3 of it paid by the Northwest, then get on the plane and go and hug hubby and then open all my QVC stuff. Speaking of the QVC stuff I bought during the scrapbooking and craft day, my DH asked me if I got points for sharing as a kid. I'm like uhhh, why are you asking me that. He said that our hallway looks like I took all the scrapbook toys for myself and left the scrapbookers of the world without toys. I told him I'd be happy to share with anyone that comes to visit the scraproom! That's sharing, right?

Anyhow, I can't wait to be home and catch up with things. Dave I do have your store reviews. Katrina, I did get the pictures of W&W and your store reviews. Amy, I got your bio, but I'll need the link to the place where you share your layouts (webshot/picturetrail) and I'll need your birthday.

Well guys, good night from Tampa International Airport.


OKC Dave wrote:

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Oh M-C I'm glad you're laughing and seeing the humor in your situation. Sometimes things are going so wrong you just have to laugh. Hope things go well tomorrow and you're sleeping in your own bed with an ice pack on your elbow and a heating pad on your knee and empty QVC boxes laying all over.


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King's Crown

Oh no MC!! Well, I'm glad you are laughing and seeing the humor in it. I hope Rick hasn't tripped on your QVC boxes and broken anything in them. LOL Here's hoping in 24 hours you'll be in your own bed, and all the bruises and scrapes feeling better.

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Deb in AR

Aw hon, I'm so sorry you are having a horrid day! I hope you get some good sleep and aren't sore. And tell your husband that others say that you are the most giving and caring person and that Jean said PPPBBBBBTTTTT!!!! LOLOL

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Warm cold warm cold is part of the problem....doesn't help the fire station is all windows. We roast when the furnace runs but as soon as it cuts off we freeze. My bedroom is like sleeping in the freezer. I sent in a written request for a space heater, I sleep under an electric blanket but doesnt help breathing in cold air....

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I'll bet she had a great time......

I have had this bronchitis for more than 2 months now.....haven't been sick like this in years. I sure didn't miss it I know that! lol

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What is the Craft Depot??? Should I be jealous we don't have one??? Glad you two got in some shopping, cranky kids and all LOL..... Aren't her pages wonderful! Too bad the net doesn't do them justice....

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I'm suer I'll be better by spring.....

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hmmmm.....hot tea with lemon and honey, I'm off to put on the tea pot. Thanks for the advise.

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