AD - Beyond Blue and More!

Hi Y'all,

I've just listed 5 new auctions tonight. There's squeezed beads, slices, some new rectangle shapes and a huge set of squeezed orphan beads! I can actually see the top of my table again. My favorites this week are "Ocean Slice" and "Beyond Blue".

Why don't you click on over and take a peek....

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Thanks for looking! Have a great weekend! Dawn "Art Insomnia" Web Site
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Dawn >^..
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Dawn -

Words fail me. I can't even decide which set to focus my lust upon. I drooled over the purple flowers...... I looooooooove the effect of silvered ivory and I coud just feel turning the beads over and over, enjoying the sublte 3-dimentional effect.......

Then the slices grabbed me, and when you mentioned Key West, I was taken back to August, snorkling (first time ever) in the gentle rain off Key West, watching a whole new world unfold beneath me, and dolphins almost close enough to touch......(and then coming back to the reality of 10 degrees, snow, and windchills..... yeck!)

Then I saw the big squeeze and wanted to cry...... the only thing saving my sanity was the fact that there weren't any of the grey ghost beads in the lot! Oh My God. I'd never be able to make anything! I'd just pick up one bead after another and fall into its' depths, only to be drawn out by another bead's siren song to tumble down its' own enchanted path....

Katie ~ as always, awed and humbled by your art!

Dawn >^..^< wrote:

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Very nice! I had someone ask me for amber beads with blue roses. I thought it was too weired until they were done, and they actually looked pretty nice!

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I enjoyed them all, and thought more than once about the orphans. You see I sometimes adopt them. Sadly I have more than I can care for at this particular point of time, even though Sara Jane pointed out in her article that an adicted one saves money by buying beads!! Peace, Lilyflower

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That is just so sweet! Thank you, Katie!!! Key West is my favorite vacation spot. I would love to live down there. We went there for our honeymoon, and every year after on our anniversary. Haven't been in 3 years now because we have a kitty that's ill. I just wouldn't be able to leave him. He's almost 15 years old.

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Dawn >^..

Thanks Jerri! You know, I thought the amber and blue looked kind of weird together, and tried other colored spacers with it, but because the base of the squeezed beads are the same amber, I just went with it. It does look funky in the photos though! LOL!

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Dawn >^..

Thanks Lilyflower! I have so many orphans because I suffer from a condition known as B.A.D.D........ Bead Attention Deficit Disorder! LOL! A lot of times I'll get one or two beads into a set and change my mind completely. Then they accumulate on top of my table until I no longer have the space to sit and string a set.

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Dawn >^..

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