Fire Mountain?

The craft show was this past Sunday. Very small turnout and not many vendors either, but it was really more of a little festival with entertainment (bad!) and food (good!). It was my first time and I was so nervous! But, I had a lot of lookers and actually sold a bit, including the first bracelet I ever made. I cleared enough to pay for the canopy I sent my son out for, lol. My mom was one of the people running the festival and they had a tarp-like covering that was absolutely horrible. The wind kept knocking it down. So, cell phone and son to the rescue!

I got some very encouraging comments, even from one of the other jewelry vendors. So, now to find some events in Virginia and try it again closer to home.

Thanks for asking!

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Congrats on the good experience Cindy! I was terrified when I did my first show, so much that I remember my hands were shaking as I handed someone change from my first sale ever. I had Linda2 as my show buddy though and she's plenty experienced in shows which helped a lot (she also had to twist my arm to go!).

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