OT: Good Hands People my **** (Mild rant)

We have just been notified that after 18 claim free years, we are being 'non renewed' by Allstate for our homeowners insurance.

Of course, the notice did say that we could still get a discount on our auto insurance because we owned a home, if we wanted to switch our auto insurance to them.

Fat chance of that.

Personally, I believe that if they are going to abandon all their customers in Florida for homeowners insurance, they should not be allowed to sell insurance here at all, of any kind.

They were perfectly willing to take the permiums when there were no large claims to pay. Now, even though the state offers reinsurance as do other companies, so they are not really losing as much as they like to claim......


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Let it out! Don't confine yourself to just a mild rant. There is no excuse for what the insurance companies are doing out of pure greed. And of course they notify you just as Ernesto heads in.... I think I'll go in the bathroom (away from lil' ears) and do some cussin' for you.

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Brenda Lewis

Aw, that really bites. My dad was a claims adjustor for the city we lived in and said Allstate was infamous for their trying to get out of paying claims--and that was back in the early 70s.

I have American Family and have never had issues--but I also don't live in hurricane country.

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You know, that previous post of mine came off kinda neener-neener, and I certainly didn't mean it that way.

I'm sorry you had that experience.

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Not a problem, it didn't sound that way at all to me.

-- Deb

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I feel your pain, Deb. It's not just Allstate, and it's not just Florida. Our company backed out of several midwestern states about a year ago because they'd had way too many payouts on hail and tornado damage. We got one of those payouts after our roof was damaged in a hailstorm, but that's why we paid so much for our homeowner's insurance. It is so frustrating to pay through the nose because you live in an area prone to a particular problem and then be dropped because the problem occurs. The companies know going in that they'll have to handle claims on certain types of damage in certain areas and yet they cite those very claims as reasons to pull out.

Karen E.

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Karen E.

I was fortunate enough to have an honest adjuster when a tree fell and hit the house during ice storm - he said to take the hit on this one - it was very minor and that the company in question would either double the premiums or drop us next go around. (It was only a minor damage to the house, more to the deck and getting the tree removed was bulk of the cost.) We dropped them instead.

Does make you wonder what you pay for though doesn't it!


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Cheryl Isaak

I hope that you dropped them after you got taken care of!

We've been pretty lucky with State Farm. We had some weird microburst tornado hit our neighborhood a couple of years back (old house). It split our neighbor's very large poplar tree - sending about a 30'long >2ft diameter missile across our yard. It did not hurt any of the lovely COSTCO white resin furniture - but instead took out the really nice Tropitone tables, chairs, umbrellas, etc - and some exterior lighting. An interesting shard - like a javelin - landed wedged in the stockade fence about 220 feet from where it started next door. The adjuster was pretty prompt - and when the company said we couldn't get the exact same furniture we actually ended up with something we liked a bit better, and the company covered that replacement, including a couple of chairs that weren't damaged so that we wouldn't have a mismatched set. They did come and take away all the relatively intact stuff as salvage, but what the heck. And they covered the removal and cutting up of the tree which was a hefty price.

My parents had Allstate for a while, they in Florida, and whwn I moved to Pittsburgh for grad school had trouble with them as soon as I had a claim. Someone else smashed my car (driver's side) in some hard to believe parking accident with a tree. They were difficult, and lied, and I made my parents change insurance, as did I, after that. So, I guess, even more than 20 years ago at least we had some issues with them.

I'm just suspicious that it's the link with Sears that lets them be less than as honest as you'd like to believe.

So sorry to hear of your problems - it's pretty disgusting dealing with so many businesses these days.


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Me too.

Speaking of other businesses, I've been running into a "We tried so hard to contact you and failed" excuse lately.

Have they never heard of call display? And do they think I get so many messages on my answering machine that I forget who left them?

Liars. Dora

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It really shoots them down in flames when you point out that you actually have an answerphone/Fax macine! There are absolutely no excuses then!

Pat P

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Pat P

I got hit by a small construction vehicle in a parking lot a few weeks ago. Some body damage, which their insurance co. is being pretty good about paying. But the bang was hard enough that it apparently shook my catalytic converter pretty hard and now it rattles and is loose. $600 to fix. We are arguing about who is going to pay for that - it's one of those things that you can't *really* prove was caused by the accident, but I know that the morning I was hit, I left with a car that sounds one way and came home with an ominous rattle. . .

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