Where are you guys talking?

Some of us are just talking to each other!! (Not to mention doing chocolate swaps!)


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Pat P
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And sometimes they`re just placed incorrectly. I had that happen once - very off-putting if it causes your natural angle of sight to go just where the two lenses join!


Reply to
Pat P

Which reminds me - is your mail system working properly yet?

Reply to
Cheryl Isaak

Lined or no line? I couldn't wear lines. I'm in East Tennessee, and I'm so blind that the "line" completely covered the mountains and then some! No-lines do take some adjustment. It can be like looking out of cheap auto glass. I wear mine almost 24/7, so I had them on All.The.Time but it still took a couple of weeks. If you're taking them on and off, I can see where that might be a problem!


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(1) Cheryl, if your bifocals are not completely comfortable after a half day of wearing, they are wrong. It might be the size of the reading portion,it might be the placement or it might be an incorrect grind, but they should be perfectly comfortable almost immediately. I've been wearing mine for a number of years, and they were always comfortable until the last pair. I got them at a different eye doctor (the one I used to use was washed away by Katrina) and knew immediately they were incorrect. Of course, the young assistant tried to tell me it was because they were new, tried to take away my old ones and said "You have to get used to these now", but I wasn't having any. I only got new ones because, would you believe, the old ones with metal frames had rusted in the part just in front of my ears! The prescription changed very little. I took my old ones, held them up to the new, and showed her where the reading portion was simply not big enough, and demanded they do them properly. (They did!)

As to where am I talking, I'm not. I've been out of hospital almost two weeks now, and as I told the doc, "You didn't fix the problem when you had me in the 'shop' in June, I've been running on one cylinder, never got out of first gear (or even into it) all summer, had to come back for you to do it over". I now have to catch up on all kinds of stuff, and recreational work like embroidery hasn't even made it onto the list yet. Of course, reading never went off it but I can do that lying down.

Olwyn Mary in New Orleans.

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Olwyn Mary

Pat P wrote: > Some of us are just talking to each other!! (Not to mention doing chocolate

You can't talk with your mouth full of chocolate! Not to mention, you don't want chocolate smeared all over the keyboard.


Reply to
Susan Hartman

What, mine? Yes - but it hiccupped over a reply I sent to you just now - then finally sent it!


Reply to
Pat P

I suspect I would be fine, if only I could have a 5-6 hour block with no interruptions - like needling to drive some one somewhere, needing milk or other daily victuals or other "gotta do this today" activities.


Reply to
Cheryl Isaak


Hugs - I'll be thinking about you! C

Reply to
Cheryl Isaak

Uh, Cheryl, I think "needling to drive" could come under the heading of things *not* to do while driving! ;-)

I tried getting a pair of bifocals a couple of years ago; the frame were too big, so they don't stay on my head well(my own fault for picking them), and the act of looking downward with my eyes(as opposed to tilting my head) for any length of time gives me a headache. They did, however, work well when driving, so I could see the guages and radio numbers clearly, however, there is now a big scratch on the plastic right where I see in the eye I see with, so they've been sitting in a case for quite a while; not worth the effort or expense to replace. I just use the generic reading glasses you can get at Ocean State Job Lots(and there are several pairs scattered around the house, and several different strengths next to the bed for cross-stitching at night). Hope you get your glasses sorted out soon.

-- Carey in MA

Reply to
Carey N.

Thank you. I need all the good wishes I can get! But.......Have you thunk about what I said about your glasses? The first time I got bifocals, I drove a bunch of church ladies a ninety-minute trip to a meeting the next morning, chaired the meeting, then drove us home again and had no trouble at all. I STILL think you should check back with your eye doctor - glasses you cannot wear are no use (and have soaked up money you could have spent on stash).

Olwyn Mary in New Orleans.

Reply to
Olwyn Mary

I went back once and had the fit adjusted. But since then, life has gone strangely pear shaped. (I'll whine later) And trying something that has the potential to make me dizzy if not give me a raging headache has not been doable.

So - right now, tomorrow AM looks quiet - nothing that has to be done in the AM. SO, I'll put them on when I wake up and go from there until I need to take DD to hockey and DS to PT.... If I'm ok, they'll stay on, if not, I'll head back to the shop and have them redone with the line a little lower down.... C

Reply to
Cheryl Isaak

Good. Keep on nagging them until you find the specs comfy. After all, they are no use if you cannot wear them, and it is up to the eye "experts" to make sure they are selling you a good product. BTW, I have the line on mine as high up as possible, I told the docs I sew, knit, embroider as well as reading, so I need a large field of close work vision. They aren't too happy about doing it (I guess it must cost them more to grind a larger section) but they are MY eyes, and I am the one who needs to see well.

Good luck in the morning.

Olwyn Mary in New Orleans.

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Olwyn Mary

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