OT Computer help, PLEASE???

I woke from a nap and found this message on the bottom right of my home page-

Texas Instruments OHCI Compliant IEEE1394 Host Controller installed The software for this device has been successfully installed Texas Instruments OHCI Compliant IEEE1394 Ready to use Host Controller

I tried to do a search for what it might be and found only highly technical stuff and no simple explanation. I have Windows set for automatic updates. And I downloaded a free owner's manual for my camera- it went into a 'temporary file'. That was the last thing I used my computer for before I went to nap.

Can anybody tell me what is going on? Should I remove it or is it something to do with a Windows update?


Leslie & The Furbabies in MO.- running a virus scan right now, just in case!!!

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Leslie& The Furbabies in MO.
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It's just a media interface that Windows uses. It is probably nothing more than an update to that particular driver. I can't imagine that it is a new install as it has been part of the stock Windows system since the mid-nineties.

A virus scan is never amiss when you find your computer has done something without you telling it it's OK.


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Thanks a bunch, NightMist. I'll quit panicking. I am such a dingbat blonde when it comes to my computer that I tend to go a little (??? LOL) crazy when anything unusual happens to it. Yesterday I was informed that Windows Mail was 'corrupted' and I lost a whole bunch of stuff in Folders when I did the 'Go Back' function. It did NOT 'Go Back' with everything in tact as of the Go Back date. grrrrr!

A true love/hate relationship with my puter is going on here- and has been for *many* years! ;-)

Leslie & The Furbabies in MO.

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Leslie& The Furbabies in MO.

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