OT Sad Pet News

Big hugs and warm thoughts going your way.


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So sorry for the loss of your friend and companion. She was a beautiful kitty. Elaine in GA

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Elaine Abner

We also lost one of ours last week. He was a old cat, but we don't know how old. He was one of the ones who found us and moved in. He had been getting a bit lethargic, and one evening I noticed him under the table. He just passed there. Didn't seem to be in any pain, we both took a turn at skritching his head. and he slept away.

Pati, > I'm so sorry to hear your sad news. I lost my own kitty, Ian, about

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Pati Cook

What an easy way to go. My gorgeous old Maroo did the same a few years ago. He ate a hearty breakfast, demanded his morning brush, went outside and slapped the impertinent younger cat sleeping in his favoured spot, then just settled down and went to sleep in the morning sun. I was almost happy for him. If only they all went so peacefully.

But even though it is easier on them, we still feel the loss. So sorry you lost your friend.

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Pati and CaroleD, I am sorry. Sometimes they choose to go their own way, don't they? I have a feeling my oldest kitty will do that, just go outside and not come back. That seems his style. Hugs to you both, and anyone else who has lost a furfriend.

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Debi Matlack


I am so sorry to hear about you having to have your cat put to sleep but sometimes that is the best thing we can do for them. I sometimes wonder why we can't do it for humans when I see them suffering so but I know that is not legal nor do I think I could do it.

I will be keeping you in my thoughts, because I know how hard it is to loose a beloved pet.

Jacqueline in KY

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I am so sorry for everybody's loss here. I hate when that time comes....just know you have my sympathy at this time. Pami

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Shelley :-)

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