PSA: puppies and hearing aids don't mix

just in case you didn't know or know someone who needed a reminder. Evidently DD1 needed one and didn't get it in time .... grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

teenagers with hearing aids and large puppies should not be in the same house. They are totaled. And out of warranty. Was waiting on my paycheck to get the new warranty, but it got spent on repairing the van. Then i was waiting on the tax check to get them covered. ugh ugh ugh ugh ugh.... these were 2 yrs old, we were told when we got them they had a 2 yr warranty but it really was only one, and wouldn't have covered dog chewing anyway.

so... kinda good news is We have some old Oticon Digifocus II (7yrs? old)that are tiny cause they were for her baby sister when she was just born and some Starkey CICs that fit her but don't work w/ the FM system (and she hates them) as backups...

bad news is this is several thousand dollars worth of equipment we weren't planning to replace for another 2 - 3 yrs... and her sister will need hers replaced in 3 to 4 yrs...

ugh. this is gonna cut severely into the fabric budget. Thinkin someone is telling me to finish what i started and then work on a crazy quilt with the scraps? ugh ugh ugh...... at least i have plenty started!

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Kellie J Berger
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nope they won't cover it or wouldn't 2 yrs ago when we got the new ones and tried.... they cover the bassoon tho.... and insurance thru the HA company is about $500/ear for the hearing aids the girls have so $2K was a lump to come up with.... very shy of the $6K or so I need to find now.... and health insurance won't consider HAs a prosthetic which boggles my mind.


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if anyone cares to see the damage....

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Kellie J Berger

I know it's no comfort at all but that's the dearest worried precious puppy face I ever saw. Reminds me of my neighbor's darling young furry face who chewed every wire from his boat trailer. Neighbor didn't realize the potential so pup also chewed away every wire in his boat. So very sorry about your disaster, Kellie, but thank you for the pictures. That is an adorable face. Polly

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Polly Esther

Washing machines aren't too good for them either.

I do not understand why health insurance will not cover hearing aids. Someone told me once that it was because they are so expensive and need periodic replacements. I think that's wrong, just wrong.

Ah, Kellie sorry to hear the bad news.

Elizabeth in Spring, Texas

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As a hearing aid user (and sister/aunt/cousin of other hearing aid users) I can so relate to this! The dang things are so expensive and it's frustrating that health ins. doesn't cover them.


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ah, but they survived the washing machine (caught them early in the cycle), and the toilet, and the shower... Dry and Store is a wonderful product! (and where these should have been at the time they were in Hanah's reach) with 4 hearing aids in the house, we've seen a lot!

Home Owners insurance won't b/c of the short lifespan on them (4 to 7 yrs) I would have to go thru the HA company or a private HA insurance co. and it amounted to almost the cost of new aids after 4 yrs, so we've been saving that $ but are no where near where we need to be right now.

I was told Health Insurance won't because they are optional and not medically necessary - even though the doctor has to prescribe them in TX... Health Insurance will pay 80% of prosthetics, but they don't consider HAs prosthetics. they will pay $500/ear once every 5 years... but the digital programmable ones that kids need for learning cost 4 to 10 times that much....

going to a meeting with Congressman Nick Lampson re HR 2329 - Hearing Aid Tax Credit Bill

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on Saturday. It is a step in the right direction, but seriously.... The kids need em to learn! And deaf and stupid *don't* go hand in hand, My daughter is a gifted student with honors grades when she has HAs there to help her! ugh ugh ugh.....

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Kellie J Berger

Oh Kellie. So sorry this happend. Such a bummer that your insuance won't cover them. Definately not right!

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Oh, Kellie, that's awful! I'm so sorry that this lesson had to be learned the hard way. :(

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Kellie- is there any chance they could be repaired by some kind of hearing aid special repairman? I'm sooooo sorry your puppy found those little things irresistible. Poor Hannah! She does look worried!

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Leslie & The Furbabies in MO.

Kellie: Does the Homeowners Insurance cover this? Give DD1 a hug for me and tell her I had that happen, too. Luckily, it was only the molds, not the aids, but still.


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Pat in Virginia

Reply off the group and remind me to get some info from my audiology, for you. P

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Pat in Virginia

nope. If something had fallen thru the roof and smashed them, or if the car had driven over them.... at least i tried!

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Kellie J Berger

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Well, now that they are all chewed I guess it wouldn't hurt to drive over them....


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