
I hope everyone likes them. i have been working on them for a while trying to get enough made for everyone in the group. But work interfered and I still owe a few whom I have emailed already. I promise, I won't forget ya and in fact got two more batches, sets done today.

I came up with them early in the summer when I think it was Katrina or Kenda said something about organizing fibers out of those tangles messes. They got those stinking cotton pickin little skinny not good for much embroidery thread things and I knew that wold not cut the mustard so I thought I could make something to use that I LIKED!!

Then for all the SSS packs I wanted to name them something and that was all I could think of. Ronni told me I should have called them "Fabulous Flass and Floozy Fiber Flingers!" Heavens i thought, the three F's are hard enough - LOL!

Anyhow if ya'll want, er NEED more, let me know. I will add you to a list and as time permits in the coming time I will be making more and get them out to you.


OKC Dave

Check out my pix and crafts!

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OKC Dave
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Dave, these are completely fabulous!! I spent time tonight organizing my fibers, and they work so well...I love the notches for the ends...it always bugs me when they are loose...won't happen with these babies! Thanks so much for the incredible gift!!


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ah yes... well the girls (my dogs) still think that if THEY had them they would be furry and fabulous floozie and flass fiber and fur flingers! LOLOLOL

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Well ,Dave,I wish I knew what you were talking about but they sound great! I see I am in trouble for some reason. I didn't get a SSS from Dave. I guess I am no longer on Santa's list or....... OMG I must be on the Naughty list!!! I will resolve to be a good girl in 2006

Hugs, Sabrina

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I love 'em Dave!!! It must have Katrina, I put most of my fiber in little ziploc bags. Though I had run out and was glad to see your F.F.F.'s as I had bought some fiber!! You are a doll!!

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Humm, I see my emails are disappearing so I sent you another one!!

I would not put you on the naughty list, only the ornery one!!!


OKC Dave

Check out my pix and crafts!

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OKC Dave

Hey Dave, So many people have raved over these fiber flingers I just cannot wait to see them!! I am so Happy that you had a Fabulous Christmas and got to spend some time with April and Zenda!! God Bless you! sending Lots of I hope everyone likes them. i have been working on them for a while

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Kenda.....have you a picture of the F.F.F's.....from your new camera....you could share? Is it something that I could copy easily or get DH to replicate? I am badly in need of ribbon/fiber storage so would appreciate a look :o)

Take care, Marilyn

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Consider it done! They are in my Miscellaneous folder. The last 3 pictures.

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Brilliant and ingenius.....I think I can rustle up something similar. I am guessing they are wood but perhaps mountboard would also work. Thanks a bunch Kenda and glad to have given you another opportunity to use the new camera. Great pictures it produces :o)

Take care, Marilyn

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I made these two as a trial using picture mount board and they seem to work just fine. Better than the silly embroidery card things anyway

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These are a little like the DMC stitchbows and I have tried them in my DMC Gold Concept Travel bag and they fit perfectly. I must see if I can buy some extra clear files as you can fit them in an ordinary ring binder. That would make it easy to see what you have. I also bought four A5 document boxes the other day at 2 for a pound and they fit in there perfectly lined up like little soldiers.....LOL I think this might be the answer to my fiber tangle and I will cut some notches with a squared ends to deal with the ribbons. Take care, Marilyn

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I think Dave did a wonderful job on these!! Always love having an oppurtunity to use the new camera!! I took a picture this morning of a squirrel eating the rest of my pansey's in the tree! Little snot left nothing but the stems!

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