OT: What a trip!1

Hi everyone!!

Well I am home albeit worse for the wear and the trip!! It seems that the whole company and all of us that was out in different areas had something evil going on - The FULL moon syndrone!!

I did not get to see anyone (sniff!) but gotto talk to MC on the phone on way thru her town. Teresa in Md was working and missed me and a chance for lunch.

The trip was ueventful as usaul for me, but it was the work during it!! We kinda have a saying here that whenever any of us goes out, we asl the boss who is lined up for labor. the goingthing is 4 fat women who don't speak english!! (PLEASE do not take no offense!!) Anyhow in Mass on Monday I had 4 Puerto Ricans. oe could speak ok one a little and two not!! The two that would work were the two who did not peak. Anyhow I had to literally physically show them every thing from lifting a piece to taking out a nut, bolt, so on. Anyhow the problem came when they dropped a rather bulky piece we were putting on a deck in the truck on me. My back is still killing me as well as my left shoulder. You ought to see the bruises too. anyhow here I am under this piece trying to hold it u somewhat and they say "you OK?"

What do YA'll think my reaction was? LOL!! Anyhow it was a VERY LONG day. Ater I bid them off i had to go find a shower as the park there sorta srewed me anyhow. I then had to meet another magian to trade out some pieces with him. He was performing at the 5 state fair going on in Springfield, MA.

So that made my getting away to NYC very late. sorry Kate, did not even get the chance to call you. At midnight I was sittingon the GW while they were trying to move a big beam used in the construction. Ugh!! Tuesday was somewhat better down in Jersey. The boss told them they had beter have some help there as he was stillnot happy with how thy screwed him the week before plus the bad da I had already. I do nt get alongwith the park there in NJ anyhow as they are a pain.

So after leaving there that night I went south down thru VA and Tn onto Springdale. AR where I had to drop off the entertainers stuff I picked up near NYC. So I got home late Thu, AGAIN for second week missing Survivor!! AAARRGGHH!!!

then yesterday we had a 14 hou day and I worked most of todat too. So I am thoroughlt beat andtrashed and am coping. I will be me though!!

So with that Thank Ya'll for the thoughts and prayers I am sure and what I consider all the Angelsof mercy watching o'er me!!

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OKC Dave

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OKC Dave
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Sorry things didn't go according to plan, Dave. Sure hope your back & shoulder feel better soon! Glad you made it home safely, at least.

Which route did you take thru VA? 95 or 81, perhaps?


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Welcome back Dave! That's a bummer that you got hurt. I'm glad you're ok though. It wouldn't be the same around here without you!

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Deb in AR

Hi Dave! Sounds like you had a real adventure! Sorry it was so hard on you, and I hope you start to feeling better soon! Glad to hear from you! Linda C

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Linda C

Well that sucks! The last thing you needed was more back problems to deal with! I hope that you feel better soon! Glad you made it back safely anyway. You could have gotten stuck in all that traffic.

M-C in soggy wet North Little Rock!

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Goodness Dave! Take it easy now and spoil yourself a bit - you deserve it! We know you are a hard worker...no need to "break your back" to prove it!!!

*ducks* !! Seriously, take care of yourself ;)

Judy, SA

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Sounds like you'll remember this trip for a while yet:>)

Glad you're back safe & sound. Enjoy your down time:>)

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Don't you have workmans comp? I mean how much damage do you have to do to yourself before you make them pay for it? I just hope you are okay. I worry about you out there.

Go soak in the tub for a while hon.

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Jacqueline Rogers

Glad you made it home safely. Take it easy and rest that shoulder and your back.

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Sounds like a trip from H E double hockey sticks Dave!!! Hopefully things will go better next time you go out!

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