OT - Wierd Feeling

Okay... I changed my e-mail to the new komish.jenn thing suddenly. I've been canning like a mad woman, all out of the blue. My aunt sent an e-mail to my mom & dad that I must be PG. Totally got my parents in an uproar. My auntie said when she sent that e-mail it was like something took over her hands.

Now... I seriously believe that those beyond come back when you need it. I think my Grandma was here when I was canning because I had some major reservations and had never done it before and everything seemed natural to me and they came out perfectly...

But I just thought my aunt was being nutty. :-) On the other hand I've been an emotional wreck for the last 3 weeks... ?!?! But... I'm not late yet, and don't have the $$ to spend on a test if I'm not even late...

Just had to vent... anyone else have similar type of experiences?

Seriously concered about the water here now. Jenn

-- take out the trash to reply ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Well, there's things that never will be right I know, And things need changin' everywhere you go, But 'til we start to make a move to make a few things right, You'll never see me wear a suit of white. In honor of the great Johnny Cash... RIP September 12, 2003 Father of Rockabilly

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Parrothead Jenn
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I believe in ESP and people coming back for visits and such. To share one example when I was pregnant with my son about 3 months along... I was at stop light and little voice said, "I'm a boy!" It made me look around in the car it was so weird. From then on I'd try and believe in the idea that my baby could be a girl and I just couldn't. The baby was a boy and that was that. I had a boy name picked out never could decide on a girl's name I liked. We didn't know the sex of the baby until it was born.... a boy. My daughter the feeling I got was boy AND girl. I couldn't decide. What I have is a rough and tumble little girl, who wishes she were a boy.

Sometimes I think you have to look back and enjoy these feeling cause they are hard to identify at the time. Like with your canning... your Grandma was there helping you along. Sounds like she's looking out for you. Sit, relax and enjoy it.


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King's Crown

Lynne....that is too funny...spooky but funny.........I can't really remember anything like that when I was expecting DS BUT i was expecting my DD, we would ask DS (who was less than 2) if he wanted a girl baby or boy baby....he kept saying "girl baby". We'd say...."I think it's a boy baby........" and he'd get adamant "GIRL BABY!!!" he'd say. Only 1 time in 9 months did he ever say boy baby. I really think it was God's way of telling us we were having a girl. S

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Ok - so figure the possibilities the old fashioned way... There's a place on the internet when you can log in your days and see when you are msot fertile. Then think back, what were you doing those days? Hum... inquiring minds want to know! ;-)

Renee >Okay... I changed my e-mail to the new komish.jenn thing suddenly. I've

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Renee Reid

I'm with Susan on this one. I jsut knew Parker was a boy from the get go, but didn't ahve any idea with Emma. Parker told me it was a girl from teh first day I told him we were having another baby. He was insistant all 9 mos that it was a girl. When we went to the Dr to see what the sex was, Parker said, "Bring pictures of sister." We sort of freaked otu when we foudn out it was a girl!

Renee >Lynne....that is too funny...spooky but funny.........I can't really remember

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Renee Reid

Interesting. Let us know for sure either way.

Teresa in MD

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lol - For everything else that's going on these days I can't remember day to day! :-) I'm going to have to start keeping better track!! ;-)

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Parrothead Jenn

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