hug for Cher

But I bet you like fuzzy caterpillars. Even me, who detested most insects as a child, liked to play with caterpillars.

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Tante Jan
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Um, okay... am I that transparent, or just that soft that you would know that I like caterpillars too? hehehe Yes, actually I do like them, and will put my hand down on the ground for them to walk on and I'll move them to a safer place .... like on the other side of the house *away* from the laneway where they may get run over by the van. In fact Matthew does that too! ;o)

By the way (Katherine, you wondered when I hinted at it before)... that is one of the reasons that Matthew's ex-girlfriend who he got in touch with again would not work out. She's freakin weird... she told Matthew that she "enjoys" burning caterpillars to death. When he told me I said "She wouldn't bloody well be doing that anywhere near me!" He said "Don't worry... that made my skin crawl. And that along with something else she told me made me say goodbye shortly after meeting up with her again!" :o/


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Matthew Hollands

I just laugh, Jan! You BET I wondered what "fuzzy caterpillars" are!!!!! I have seen the word, but haven't ever combined it with any insect. BUT I did what I use to do, did a google picture search... and YES!!!! I like them ...and I liked them when I was a child! AUD ;-))

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Now I have to ask what a caterpillar is called in Norwegian.

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Tante Jan

We used (and still use) screens on the windows AND doors! I could not stand to have any bugs in the house, and my mother used to scream at us if we didn't shut the screen doors.

Katherine (who also hate bugs and flies in the house!)

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OHMIGAWD!!! That would terrify me! He is well rid of her, I think!

Hugs, Katherine

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We call them "Tusenben"... "1000-legs" ..AUD ;-))

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I was just re-reading this and it reminded me of a funny story my Mom told us about when she was young. There was this one street that she and her friends used to go tobogganing on in St Johns that was one of the steepest hills in the city. They would put a cardboard box on the toboggan, my mom would sit in the box, and her friends (with friends like that....) would toss the ropes away from her so she couldn't guide the sled then push her down the hill. At the very bottom of the hill there was a crossroad and on the other side of the crossroad was a house that sat lower than the road (further down the hill) so that the ground floor windows were at street level with the crossroad and the end of the hill that my mother was coming down and full speed.

By the way she said this happened a few times! Very trusting person, she was! LOL

To continue on with the rest of the story: Here she came flying down this steep hill, over the cross road, and..... through the kitchen window, coming to a stop in the middle of their table... EVERY TIME!! Finally they put a screen on the window to keep her out, and she would bounce off the screen a few times afterward, until one day the screen gave out and in she came again. The man of the house said to his wife "You know, we might just as well set another place at the table for this one, she comes to visit all the time!" LOL


Reply to
Matthew Hollands

No kidding! He felt the same way... in fact he just kind of gave up on even thinking about dating anyone for a while after she turned out to be like that. However... things are looking up a bit now. He's met someone who is kind of shy, but yet tomboyish, and fun... and they enjoy a lot of the same things (movies, wrestling shows, etc)... so we'll see where it goes. :o) Hey, and her favourite wrestler is mine too... so we have something in common too! ;o) No, I haven't actually met her yet!


Reply to
Matthew Hollands

Ack.... "1000 legs" reminds me of centipedes and millipedes. Oh yucky, I

*really* hate those things. They are horrible and when you hit them with a shoe to kill them, some of their legs continue to move. {{shutter}} *runs off to find a LARGE shoe just in case one of those things shows up*

But I *do* like caterpillars... soft and fuzzy, inching along. We have the brown ones with a black stripe in the middle (around the belly section), pale yellow ones, and white ones occasionally. Not wild about the green ones with no fuzz (they're kind of scarey looking)... aren't they cabbage or tomato caterpillars? I can't remember what we used to call them, but we always used to think the brown and black ones were Monarch Butterfly caterpillars. *shrug*


Reply to
Matthew Hollands

Aud ,,, Sorry Giggile ,,, hahahha Tusenbeen ,,, for a Dutch Eye it almost The Leg between :>:>:>


Reply to
Mirjam Bruck-Cohen

"Matthew Hollands" skrev i melding news:

OH! I think you are right! The fussy ones... I am not sur WHAT we call them... I think I would call it a "larve"! AUD ;-))

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"Mirjam Bruck-Cohen" skrev i melding news:

...Well, Mirjam, we can be a bit "shameless" here! LOL! Aud ;-))

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Aud ? how did you guess i blushed , after i wrote it ? mirjam

Reply to
Mirjam Bruck-Cohen

Hi Gem

Sorry if I'm a bit slack replying, have a huge charity thingy coming off tomorrow all day, that is sunday, so I've been busy labelling up raffles auctions etc..

No we don't have a prob with mossies,although we do get other flies like blue bottles, or big black ones that come in, I keep a sticky paper up at the windows, they pitch on that and can't get off of


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"Matthew Hollands" wrote in news:

the brown & black ones are called Wooly Bears. they actually turn into a moth. small smooth green caterpillers are Cabbage Loopers & the huge ones are either Tomato or Tobacco Hornworms. i always plant extra tomatos for the hornworms. the Monarch caterpillers will only be found on milkweed & are smooth (no fuzz) with black, white & yellow stripes. they have 'horns' on thier heads & tails. my kid is allergic to Wooly Bears... lee

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Cool information, Lee. Thank you! :o) Now that you mention it I do remember seeing the Monarch caterpillars before, but not in years.... we used to live not too far from a creek where we weren't supposed to play (but how many kids ever do everything they're told?), so reading your description, that is where I have seen them before. :o)


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Matthew Hollands

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