October threads received

Wow, thank you for sharing that site, Marilyn! They really are beautiful... and step-by-step instructions with photographs too.


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Shelagh!!!! *hugs* Thank you.... I just played around with it a bit, because it was way too big to send you (1.91 MB), and I believe it worked. At least I hope so! :o)

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In message , David R. Sky writes

I did and my 5-year-old daughter spent a happy afternoon making a (somewhat tangled, but still beautiful) godseye with some garden sticks and my yarn stash. Thanks for the pointers. I hadn't seen them before, it's not really a UK thing, but I'll be mentioning it to various friends who do crafts with kids, e.g. my son's Beaver Scout leader and a woman who goes into the local primary school every year to lead the kids in a weaving project with found objects.

Reply to
M Rimmer

Hi David, Did you read what I wrote? "Unfortunately I can't go there" :-) Each time I click on a link my PC freezes and I have to reboot. I know I should change this old wreck for something less BC dated but,......... maybe for Christmas, who knows? :-)

-- Sofia D (from Brussels with love :-)

Reply to
Magie Noire

Thank you Marilyn but I suppose you've already read what I wrote to David. There's nothing I can do but wait for a new PC.

-- Sofia D (from Brussels with love :-)

Marilyn a écrit dans le message : O_qdnfHLVfarR_ snipped-for-privacy@comcast.com...

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Magie Noire

MRH a écrit dans le message : snipped-for-privacy@corp.supernews.com...

Thank you very much Gemini. I suppose I can use toothpicks? I'm really going to try and do one.Could I be a pain in the thingy and ask if it would be possible to send one picture (privately of course) for me to see the end result? Thank you, thank you :-)

-- Sofia D

-- "Quand le sage montre la lune, l'idiot regarde le doigt" snipped-for-privacy@belgacom.net --------------------------

Reply to
Magie Noire

Making weaving projects with found objects, that sounds fun and challenging! :)


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David R. Sky

Hi Sofia,

In the context of what you wrote, you didn't include a reference to your PC, so I thought "I can't go there" means "that's too complicated for me" lol! _Now_ I understand!

I would say you don't necessarily need a new computer, possibly just someone to check it out and do things like defrag, check for spyware, etc., all of which could free up a lot of your computer's resources and get it working again. > > >

Bon chance, whatever you do!


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David R. Sky

It's great. This year included a bicycle wheel with yarn woven through the spokes, an old barbecue griddle woven with yarn, and some weavings incorporating tree twigs, withys, raffia, cut up rags and old plastic bags. I'm sure you could extend the idea to godseyes, maybe make a huge one using tree branches as the crosspieces, or just weaving them with different fibres than yarn or string.

In message , David R. Sky writes

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M Rimmer

Got it, Gem! Matthew doesn't look crabby to me!


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I'm glad it worked for you! He doesn't look crabby.... but I know how he feels - I don't like having my pic taken either. ;>)


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a Feminine word just like in English)

Hi David, I know it can seem weird that being a computer user for so many years I'm now blocked by this pile of junk. It doesn't allow me to Scan, Defrag, not even install the newest version of Norton, going on the Net to Symantec, the whole lot.The problem is simple, I can "remaster" it whenever I want but I will loose everything that is "inside". I don't have a CDR burner and all my material won't go on floppy (I would need nearly 250). I would have to save it all to another computer (sending all of it to my brother in a couple of files for example) but I tried installing "speed modem" and this rubbish doesn't allow me to, either. With my 56K I won't go quick (it's the least I can say), sending my files somewhere else. With a new computer I know I could do it, from one to the other having previously installed all the protections on the new one..But I am a patient person, I can wait. :-) And as they say in Guadalajara "Buena suerte para mi" PS-Thank you for your best wishes. Merci pour vos voeux de Bonne Chance.

-- Sofia D (from Brussels with love :-)

Reply to
Magie Noire

Wow! Thanks, I had no idea what you could make with found objects... a barbecue griddle, that sounds particularly fun to me!



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David R. Sky

Gee, you're more limited with your computer than I with my old DOS computer! Anyway, are you aware that if you get an account with gmail.com , you can store up to I think 10gigabytes of material. I don't have a gmail account, I seem to have read this on their site many months ago when I was thinking about possibly getting such an account. So (assuming you could zip the directory or folder structure of your hard disk in one or more zip files), you could upload the zip files to gmail, re-work your computer, then download the files. But before you expand the files, check them for viruses etc.

Bonne chance y mucha suerte! I know someone in I think Brussels, he's a computer expert, although I haven't spoken with him in a couple years, shall I contact him on your behalf?



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David R. Sky

Thanks, Marilyn. They are truly impressive.

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The Jonathan Lady

Hi David, I'm not limited, I'm carbon dated. Yes, I know I could eventually store my stuff away but the problem remains. I can't send. I have a new high speed modem in the box waiting to be installed. This idiot here doesn't let me. It takes me 9mns to send 1399 Ko. I have 207 "works" to send, between 900 Ko and 3.32 Mo. Can you imagine??What a headache. I tried the floppies, some of the files don't even go in, too big :-) About your friend, I wouldn't want you to go to all that trouble because of me even if he could give me some good advice. Somehow I'll get out of this one. Serious. I've always did. But, how kind of you.Thank you. Sofia D (from Brussels with love :-)

David R. Sky a écrit dans le message : snipped-for-privacy@viper.wapvi.bc.ca...

Reply to
Magie Noire

Hi Sofia,

You're carbon dated huh? Does that mean you only date carbon-based life forms???lol!

Ahem, on to the topic at hand...

If you're using pkzip in DOS (which also works in the Windows DOS prompt - I can email you a shareware version offlist if you wish), you can use the -& option to save files onto more than one disk (called "spanning"). For example, if you want to save c:\myfile.doc into a zip file onto a: drive disks called mydoc.zip, type the following (after the c: prompt):

c:\> pkzip a:\mydoc -& myfile.doc

pkzip will prompt you for each new disk once one is filled. Then, when you want to unzip the files, simplyy use the DOS pkunzip program, you will be prompted for each disk sequentially, which will be unzipped. I've used this technique several times in the past in the Windows DOS prompt, both for zipping and unzipping files, both single-disk and multiple-disk files. I've transferred up to about 11Mb-long files from my DOS computer to my previous Windows computer on 1.44Mb floppy disks using this technique quite successfully.


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David R. Sky

Yikes, Sofia... your computer sounds like our old one. Before my son bought this one, the old one would only stay *on* for 5 to 10 minutes at the most before it would freeze up on us, and we weren't even on the internet. We have some stuff on the old computer that we would love to have, but like you, some of it was too big to save to disks. We're not sure how to hook the two computers up to each other to *try* to move things over from the old one to the new one, and even if we did... like I said, the old one only stayed on for 5 minutes most times... and when we were lucky for 10 minutes, so it's hardly enough time to move anything. :o/ One of these days we'll work it out! Good luck with yours, and I hope Santa Claus is good to you and brings you a new computer for Christmas! ;o)


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Sure thing.... this is #7 on the instruction sheet... the finished product. It is a 16.3 KB gif picture... so if you can "zoom-in" close enough you can actually see out at the ends how it is wrapped around the sticks.

Is your email address attached to your messages on here a working one? As soon as I hear that it is, and that the picture is small enough, I will send it to you. :o)

Oh and I would imagine that you can use toothpicks, you'll just need to use thread or very thin yarn instead of what is on the picture. The craft sticks used on that site look like tongue depressors that doctors use to look down your throat. ;o)


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