Re: ancient textiles and yarn crafts used the swastika as a tool for the art

see below

SNIP> > Ancient pictorial evidence shows the swastika symbol on tools related > to braiding, spinning and twisting.

Cite references!

The symbol served as a visual > instruction for the direction of spin,

Sorry, different cultures that had different directions of spin, had the same swastika, and cultures with the same direction of twist in their yarn had mirror image swastikas.

for reaching and maintaining the optimum speed of spin while the symbol > revolved. >SNIP
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:D Noreen

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The YarnWright

Dr. Curry did cite references, including pictures, and at least two historical books. You have not disputed them. Why don't you cite references if you have an alternative view?

As you note you are referring to different cultures. Thank you for not disputing Dr. Curry's work. You also seem to think that all things that turn must turn in one direction, or that all people or owners turn spindles in the same direction etc.. You are incorrect. You also fail to cite any references.

Try it. It does work. If you believe not then explain why. You cite no references. Of course, in one sense, many clear markings can be used as visual cues for the speed of spin. How you might argue otherwise would be amusing to read.

Come on Aaron; if you are going to troll Dr. Curry's post, you gotta do your homework, cause Dr. Curry does his.

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