AD - New polymer clay beadies and a question

Hey ladies and gents!

I've been rather productive the past few weeks. My pain levels are thankfully lowering by themselves (I think it's from a new desk, chair and bed - I've gone ergonomic and it seems to help!) which is a nice change. So that makes me a busy gal!

Anyhoo, I've got some cool new beadies listed on my website on the Other Beads page and 2 more new dragon pendants.

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I'm also considering listing some non-jewelry stuff on
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and was wondering if any of you have either sold or bought on there and if you've had good results. Any feedback on that would be much appreciated. I'd like to hear from others about it before I dive in. ;-)

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I've not bought on Etsy. I've browsed there on occasion but find their search parameters to be lacking, honestly. I see a lot of craftspeople and artists listing there, and a few are selling, but for the most part haven't seen a lot of sales. I don't know how they are advertising the site or if they are expecting the listing artists to do all the marketing via word-of-mouth. I'd say give it a go, let you loyal customers know about it, but don't be disappointed if nothing moves for a few months.


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Hey ladies and gents!

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Barbara Forbes-Lyons

Re: Etsy--

I listed 5 things there last year for Craft Revolution's Katrina relief effort. One sold right away. Never heard anything about the others.


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Dr. Sooz

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