OT Kyla?

What did the doctor say?

Cheri (Bubbee to Emily and Nathan)

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How sweet you are! I called my ins company, to get the info for our doctor (moved, new ins, stupid HMO), and I am waiting for them to call me back :o(

In the meanwhile, I have all of my friends hounding me everyday about it, and I've promised about a hundred ppl that I would call back on Monday if I didn't hear from anyone by then.

As for how I'm feeling, I'm feeling better. My coughs slowed down a LOT when I stopped smoking (ok, so I've been having about 3 or 4 a day...better than the pack I was having), at the behest of a good friend. Today, I started coughing again,a and the pain in my chest is as piercing as ever, but now I'm actually bringing stuff up, and I can feel things loosening in there (gross, I know, sorry!).

And one more thing! LOL DH has been a complete ASS this whole time! Coming home an hour or two late every night, going to bed at 8 or 9, and not helping out at all >:o( Today, he slept until nearly 5pm!!! How is that POSSIBLE?! My 2yr old DD had a fever for the past two days, and last night it was really high. She asked to sleep with daddy, & he said she was burning up all night. You know a kid is sick when they wake you up in the middle of the night asking for medicine! Anyway, the Tylenol didn't seem to bring her fever down, but she was able to sleep through it, and woke up feeling 100% this morning, no fever at all. Dh did mention that I felt hot, though :o(

Thanks so much for asking! It means a lot to me that ppl care, and being ever-procrastinating, it is really helping me to stay on the ball this time =D

What did the doctor say?

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Kyla Nicole


{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{and a few more for you cuz you need them}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}

Reply to
JoAnn Paules

Goodness! The best thing you can do is give up... Our bodies are amazing at repairing themselves.. Good on you.. You can do it!

IMO, sounds like he needs a good boot up the A$$! And one thing to watch with fevers in children under 5 is febrile convulsions... trust me, you never want to go there! And I should know, as my DD had one when she was

4 or 5... nearly gave me a heart attack!!

Hugs Kyla... and be kind to yourself...


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Can I come over and kick some sense into your DH? (Or should I say H?) I had a marriage that disintegrated because -- as the Ex said -- "I was angry because you were sick, and didn't get well." I have zero tolerance for men who disappear when their women are ill.

~~ Sooz To live a creative life, we must lose our fear of being wrong. ~~Joseph Chilton Pearce

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Dr. Sooz


Keep cutting back on the cigarettes... you'll feel so much better! When you get to the point where you only smoke ONE a day, if that, you'll start to notice how much better you feel in the morning after you skipped that one cigarette the night before... that's what really opened my eyes. ONE cigarette makes that much difference in my physical well-being.

Is your hubby depressed? That much sleeping is really abnormal.


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Kalera Stratton

Eh...no...he had a sleeping disorder for his entire life, until being diagnosed and treated a few months back. For the most part, he is on a normal schedule, but his problem now is breaking the HABIT. And, he's irresponsible. Hell stay up until dawn on his computer, and sleep all day long the next day--or if a work day, he'll get up and go to work on only a couple hours sleep, and come home to crash right away.

Yeah. He's a punk. LOL

I have a friend that is helping me quit smoking. It seems all it's taking is knowing that someone CARES. One good thing about making friends with a responsible 19yr old, LOL. Anyway, I call him when I get the smoke-craving, he distracts me by telling jokes, or funny stories, or just about his day, and I've found myself able to go hours between smokes! He reminds me of Manda ;o) He even calls me from work to make sure I'm not smoking. Says he'll "let me" start smoking again after I'm not sick anymore, but he's no dummy. He knows by the time I get better, I'll have quit completely, LOL. Anyway, I guess I just wanted to share that it's easier than I thought, now that I have someone that cares to help me quit, and someone to share the responsibility of quitting with.


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Kyla Nicole

Oooohhh.....I'm sorry to hear that :o( I've been having *issues* with my DH lately, ad our relations ship. A lot of it does stem form the illness thing :-\ Do all guys take their women for granted? (says the 23yr old mom of two, who's still in the one and only serious relationship she's ever had!)

Can I come over and kick some sense into your DH? (Or should I say H?) I had

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Kyla Nicole

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Kyla Nicole

Thank you!! Exactly what I needed :o)


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Kyla Nicole

No, fortunately. Or, at least no more than they are taken for granted :)

Cheers, Carla

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Only if you let them. Glad to hear you and DD are doing better.

Cheri - who would give your DH a serious talking to if I could. Cheri (Bubbee to Emily and Nathan)

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Is he cute? :-D ~~ Sooz To live a creative life, we must lose our fear of being wrong. ~~Joseph Chilton Pearce

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Dr. Sooz

How'd you two meet? ~~ Sooz To live a creative life, we must lose our fear of being wrong. ~~Joseph Chilton Pearce

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Dr. Sooz

Wouldn't he be stunned if a whole passel of RCBers showed up in his bedroom to wake him up? And, uh, TALK to him? (With baseball bats in hand)

Well, some men do that no matter what. They need to be thrown away. I mean ditched. I mean.....you know what I mean. ~~ Sooz To live a creative life, we must lose our fear of being wrong. ~~Joseph Chilton Pearce

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Dr. Sooz

No, many men consider their wife to be a treasure, whom they are privileged to live with (not just "theirs).

The best way to help a man achieve this sort of wonderful (especially for him) relationship, is to keep your marriage growing by ensuring that each individual grows and that communications are always open and respectful. You're sweetie needs to do some personal growth, and to be communicated with! It's a favor to him.


Reply to
Christina Peterson

All this emphasis on Kyla communicating with her husband, etc., may put too much of the burden on her. Some men just simply take their partners for granted, and choose to be jerks. Some have little potential as caring, attentive partners. (I was married to one like that.) It's not always the responsibility of the wife to make the husband act wonderful. It can make her feel like anything he does (or doesn't do) in this area is her fault.

Of course, he can't be expected to read her mind -- she needs to let him know what she wants and needs. SO important!!!!! You're right about communicating. I just want to note that sometimes, it's the guy who needs to shape up a LOT. But if she desires certain things, and he doesn't deliver, perhaps she SHOULD ASK.

Kyla -- you said you'd had a modeling career, so I figure you're pretty darn cute. Did he marry you for status? Are you arm candy that decided to have kids, and is he disappointed that you turned out to be a real woman (not just his fantasy)? ~~ Sooz To live a creative life, we must lose our fear of being wrong. ~~Joseph Chilton Pearce

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Dr. Sooz

I didn't mean to lay the work/burden on either partner. A person can and should help their spouse, but we each must do our own work. You can't do it for anyone else. No woman/one can make some man/one else wonderful. The best you can ever do is to encourage and allow growth, but the growth itself, and the behavior is the responsibility of that person.

And if you do have a parasite in your life, your only option is to cut it off. Often it will feel like you're amputating a part of yourself, but you're really saving your own life.

This is an observation from my own life and may or may not be relevant to Kyla.


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Christina Peterson

My thoughts exactly...


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Dr. Sooz wrote:

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Kalera Stratton

Culled? Diana

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Diana Curtis

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