OT: Moving Kitties

This weekend is moving day... the u haul etc... this is the trip where we take the beds and the appliances and so on.. after this one we "live" in Madras.... There is one thing that concerns me a little... we have moved MANY times, but this group of furrfaces has never moved before... I'm expecting some yowling from those who only remember the trip to the vet's or whatever, but is there something I can give them to relax them a bit and make it more tolerable for them??? Ron suggested getting them really stoned on catnip (kittyjuana) and then when they sober up they're in their new homes, but I 'm afraid that will make them more prone to carsickness...???

Anyone have any ideas?

It's also beastly hot.... could be near 100 for this parade of ours... and we're not moving the heat pump yet!!!

Smooth Move vibes/prayers would be much appreciated. beth aka peka (say Pee-Kah)

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You can get them cat valium from the vet. Chances are they will be fine. We moved into this house with two cats whom we had acquired at different times and were not particularly good friends. The move bonded them and they got along much better afterwaards. Good thoughts coming your way. Patti

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On Mon, 21 Jul 2003 21:04:27 -0400, Beadseeker wrote (in message ):

Or have your vet call your local pharmacy for valium, which is likely to be far cheaper. In the absense of that, call the vet for a recommendation of the dose of benedryl to give the cats to knock them out for the ride.

Please, please, please, carry them in secure cat carriers while driving, for your safety and theirs. You don't want to be peeling a cat off your face while heading down the highway!

Kathy N-V

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Kathy N-V

I don't know how common it is, but one of my cats is allergic to benadryl. It didn't do any permanent damage, but I had a totally freaked out cat bolting around my house foaming bright pink at the mouth. Of course, this was done right before a trip to the vet (on the vet's reccommendation), and I had to explain why the kitty who normally had a white tummy now had a bright pink one! Good thoughts on the way for your move!


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Carol in SLC

Please - if you do get any 'natural' herbal supplements, Peka... PLEASE be positive that they are made for ingestion in a *feline system and not a *canine system.

A dog can ingest many properties that prove to be toxic and/or deadly for a cat.

Try posting your question in news:rec.pets.cat.health+behav or in news:alt.med.veterinary

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This is good advice. The supplement I recommended is "formulated for all pets".

  • TL *
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Tante Lina

Hi Sooz! I've been here, just haven't had much to say lately. Been taking lots of classes at the new LBS. Doing way too much housework... or maybe it just feels that way since it's so stinking hot!!! 101 at the moment -cleaning bathrooms is bad enough, but it's extra miserable when it's hot. Okay, I'll stop whining now...


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When I moved my kitties to my house from N. Ga and then to Asheville I put them in their carrier (they ride together), put it in the front seat, and talked to them while driving.

I'm lucky in that they don't; get motion sickness, they don;t seem to mind riding in the car, and they really don't cry much. Just every now and then - I think to see if I'm paying attention.

Best of luck moving- and smooth move vibes on the way.

Kathy K

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