OT: Sleeping too much

Dan didn't believe that I have been sleeping very much. Instead he thought I wasn't answering the phone, which is one thing I absolutely hate to do even for him. Today he got the real deal first hand. He woke me up about

11 a.m. to help make gravy for the sausage he cooked. He didn't make biscuits for whatever reason so I went ahead and made the country gravy.

At about 12:30 I got sleepy again. I was sitting back on the couch and he told me if I was going to sleep get my butt in the bedroom. So Trinkett and I trot off to the bedroom and I didn't even get a chance to watch TV.

I was asleep almost instantly. At about 4:45 I woke up because Trinkett was dancing around the bed and needed to go out. (Keep in mind Trinkett doesn't get out of bed in the morning until I get up. She was asleep with me all that time as well.)

Then we had dinner and I started to get sleepy again. He was so upset and asked why I was sleeping so much. One of my main answers is if I'm asleep I don't care if I'm in pain. Does anyone else sleep too much because they are so tired of fighting their bodies?

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Snippity: Does anyone else sleep too much because they are

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Sleeping is the body's way of fighting off sickness and helping to restore it self. But of course he's a man and wouldn't understand that.

I hope you're feeling better soon. Celeste

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Sleep is what the body does while healing. You probably need it sweetie - don't fight it. As long as the doctor knows what's up!

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Kandice Seeber

Yup, I have OCD arthritis (it sucks - I'm 19!) in my knees and find I can't be bothered to get out of bed so I keep sleeping. Having a very active job seems to keep the pain away though!


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Oh yes, sweetie. {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{Starlia}}}}}}}}}}}}}} ~~ Sooz To live a creative life, we must lose our fear of being wrong. ~~Joseph Chilton Pearce

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Dr. Sooz

I'm not fighting it at all. It's all I can do to stay awake sometimes. At least I only slept 8 hours today. I finally went to bed at 4:50 and I woke up at 1ish.

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sounds like you've got your clock on backwards. If you slept at night, you might not be so tired during the day!

But I sleep a lot more now than I ever did before, so I know what you mean.


Cheri (Bubbee to Emily and Nathan)

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Me too. I sleep way too much. Constant pain just wears me out. I don't get much done when I'm up either. Have your thyroid checked, tho. For awhile I was sleeping all the time. It turned out that my throid had gone whacko and was much too high. It burned out all my systems to where all I could do was sleep. Esp. if you have had any scans where they used a radioactive tracer or iodine dye. That can make the throid go temporarily nuts. Mine is back to normal now, but I still sleep too much. My husband has me beat, tho. He sleeps 16 to 18 hrs a day. Every day.

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Barbara Otterson

I did have my thyroid checked. It's just fine. I guess it's fighting the pain all the time that is making me nuts.

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You have so much stuff on your plate right now. I would guess that the constant stress just wears your body down...


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My husband was sleeping like that before he got the C-pap. It's because he couldn't get any quality sleep, because the apnea was waking him up constantly. When he started falling asleep at the wheel, he finally agreed to be tested. Has your husband been through a sleep study?


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