Sculptural Lampwork

vj found this in rec.crafts.beads, from snipped-for-privacy@aol.combuybeads (BeckiBead) :

]VJ -- exactly right, those are Joan Eckard's , and they are very very small, ]LOL. About the size of czech flowers, or smaller. I was the first person to ]carry Joan's beads at a bead show (thanks to Karen). She makes great stuff.

ah - i sometimes forget that in your case, i'm talking to the choir!


----------- @vicki [SnuggleWench] (Books)

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----------- The measure of the menace of a man is not what hardware he carries, but what ideas he believes.-- Jeff Jordan

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First, let me concur. I love flower shaped beads. I also have a couple "trumpet" shaped beads from Ginger.

When I was at BABE, I got two beads from Fonda/Clark! An angel about 3 1/2" for $57. And a flower -- dichroic aqua and olive/moss leaves (surprise, surprise) that looks like a morning glory. They had two sizes. I got the smaller one, 2", for either $29 or $35. I do not know what they cost on their site. Wish I could have bought the whole table full.

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My flower is like the ones at the bottom only more beautiful. And yes, these are the price range I saw. Or look here
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I also met Karen Bye there. She used to have sculptural flowers on her site too, but doesn't make them anymore. I had specifically looked her up to see if she still had some. They're about 2/3 or 3/4 down the page.
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And I got "Persian Lilies" from "M Verdi", Aimee Long. None there now.
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And I completely agree that the main market for bead makers is beaders. And that to sell a $50 bead, the beader has to sell a necklace for at least $200. And a much higher price if it's necessary to sell to a store or Gallery.

Think in terms of paintings. Very, very often the cost of a framed painting is well over twice the price of the painting itself. Several hundred dollars is common for framing and matting.


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> > and remembering the Fonda/Clark that Beki Haley had up last week (that Pat > Hauge beat me out of, the bitch, LOL). And I wanted to say to you all that I > love sculptural flower beads. I know, some are saying, hey, gee whiz, Becki > likes flower beads? Like that is NEWS and she doesn't bother us with this > information on a regular basis? LOL. >

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Christina Peterson

vj found this in rec.crafts.beads, from "Christina Peterson" :

]Think in terms of paintings. Very, very often the cost of a framed painting ]is well over twice the price of the painting itself. Several hundred ]dollars is common for framing and matting.

that's what i keep trying to explain to customers!

well put!

----------- @vicki [SnuggleWench] (Books)

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----------- The measure of the menace of a man is not what hardware he carries, but what ideas he believes.-- Jeff Jordan

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AHA! so that's who outbid me for it!!! I figured I wouldn't get it anyhow, I don't have the cash to go that high, but when I started bidding, no one else had... and I thought... maybe THIS time no body will notice what an awesome set this was... DREAMER!!!!


But I agree... several of Ginger's beads have broken for me too, two have broken in the mail and they refunded the $$$ but the other broke sometime after I got it for some reason (glass beads don't bounce too well, even in padded envelopes).... I love free form beads but are leery of them because of this experience. I suggested that Ginger's beads MIGHT have a design flaw... but would you believe that Jerry never replied to that email?

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Karleen/Vibrant Jewels

The newest Fire Mountain Gems catalog has a similar sample necklace made of abalone, FWP and Paua, with danglies coming out of the Paua shell... I've just GOT to make something like that!

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Karleen/Vibrant Jewels

What are you waiting for Cheryl, JUST DO IT!!! LOL

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Karleen/Vibrant Jewels

okay - i thought pyrex was the HARD stuff??????? now i'm confused again!!!

IT is "hard glass"

but it is also, strangely enough - much more shock prone.

If you strike a rod of pyrex sharply - (like on the edge of a counter) it will break more readily than a comparable rod of Moretti/Effrete. truly -- I don't know if the reason is scientifically what I believe it to be -- but it is a denser molecular structure - and it is essentially "more brittle." IT is "harder" glass.... but that doesn't seem to make it less brittle.

Cheryl last semester of lawschool! yipee! DRAGON BEADS Flameworked beads and glass

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vj found this in rec.crafts.beads, from snipped-for-privacy@aol.combeads (Cheryl) :

]IT is "hard glass" ] ]but it is also, strangely enough - much more shock prone.

ah! thanks, dear!

----------- @vicki [SnuggleWench] (Books)

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----------- The measure of the menace of a man is not what hardware he carries, but what ideas he believes.-- Jeff Jordan

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You are absolutely telling the truth on paintings. When I finish a piece I have to have the right frame. I won't let it leave the house without the complete package. Thankfully, Regina has great frames in Houston and they are at wholesale prices. I would normally pay over $300 for a small frame if I didn't use them.

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> > > > and remembering the Fonda/Clark that Beki Haley had up last week (that Pat > > Hauge beat me out of, the bitch, LOL). And I wanted to say to you all > that I > > love sculptural flower beads. I know, some are saying, hey, gee whiz, > Becki > > likes flower beads? Like that is NEWS and she doesn't bother us with this > > information on a regular basis? LOL. > >


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Like "hardened" metal?


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Christina Peterson

I'll have to look up what year but I believe it's the Feb 02 Bead and Button that has the Fonda/Clark bead necklace with pearls spilling forth.


"Karleen/Vibrant Jewels" wrote in message news:Mpd%b.21800$

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Christina Peterson

vj found this in rec.crafts.beads, from "Christina Peterson" :

]I'll have to look up what year but I believe it's the Feb 02 Bead and Button ]that has the Fonda/Clark bead necklace with pearls spilling forth.

so . . . does the bead have TWO holes??????? or one running up and down? or?????

----------- @vicki [SnuggleWench] (Books)

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----------- The measure of the menace of a man is not what hardware he carries, but what ideas he believes.-- Jeff Jordan

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Like "hardened" metal?


probably ---

Cheryl last semester of lawschool! yipee! DRAGON BEADS Flameworked beads and glass

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Wonderful, stunning necklaces, hard to chose which I like best. Shirley

In article , BeckiBead writes

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Shirley Shone

Interesting that you should say this Becki. A while back you sent me a pair of hummingbird earrings made with her beads. The wings broke off almost immediately and I had to repair them. I love them so much I mear them anyway because you made them. :))

Be well, Juanita

May fate bless us all according to our deeds.

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Juanita Floyd

One of the issues with pyrex (which IS the "hard stuff") is that it realllllly wants to be smooth. A textured surface with lots of wiggles will create a lot more internal stress. It won't thermal crack the way soft glass does, but one bump and you have a microscopic earthquake. Some of Ginger's pendants are VERY textured. I'm just guessing here but at the volume she produces them, I suspect annealing may not be at it's best.

I bought some beads from her several years ago (soft glass). Most were fine but one broke from thermal problems (you can tell by the kind of cracking) and another lost surface decorations because they weren't properly attached. It can happen to anyone.....Leah put some vines on one of my beads when she was walking me through my first flowers, and they popped off when I went to reheat that area.


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vj found this in rec.crafts.beads, from "Karen_AZ" :

]One of the issues with pyrex (which IS the "hard stuff") is that it ]realllllly wants to be smooth. A textured surface with lots of wiggles will ]create a lot more internal stress. It won't thermal crack the way soft glass ]does, but one bump and you have a microscopic earthquake.

thanks, Karen!

----------- @vicki [SnuggleWench] (Books)

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----------- The measure of the menace of a man is not what hardware he carries, but what ideas he believes.-- Jeff Jordan

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Damn, I am sorry Juanita. That is why I quit using them. They are lovely, stunning beads. But I got tired of replacing them in jewelry.

Becki "In between the moon and you, the angels have a better view of the crumbling difference between wrong and right." -- Counting Crows

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That's so weird... Are they not annealed or something? I love doing sculptural stuff, but with all the delicate sticky-out bits, it makes me nervous selling them.

T>>A while back you sent me a pair of

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Hey - all good thoughts! :) This is of great interest to me, because the more sculptured flowers I see, the more I want to try my hand at it. Maybe after I do all the orders I have sitting on my studio table, I will try doing some sculptured flowers. As for decorated hearts, have you seen this page of mine?

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I'd always be happy to tailor one for you with your specific colors if you like the designs.

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Kandice Seeber

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