OT: Hurricanes in the USA.

I hope I am not going to ba a jinx, but I hope others realize that our friends in Florida, Texas, etc, have had no hurricanes come ashore in the USA this year. Long may it continue. There are no current signs of any hurricane activity in the North Atlantic, and many of the storms which did start, simply faded out before they got anywhere near civilization. It is now the end of September, and basically there is only October that may produce dangerous storms. I will keep my fingers and toes crossed.

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F.James Cripwell
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Hurrican seasons end for us in NOv Barbara

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Did you really think I needed reminding. But thanks for the good thoughts.

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I live on the coast of NC And VA.Do not look forward to hurricane season,The last hurricane took our roof and allot of water damage in the inside of our home.FEma covers none of the damages... Barbara

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I'm in FL and had the same thing, both the roof and the water damage+plus major damage to my enclosed patio. Two storms within a few weeks of each other,plus the days without water and electricity did not make for a happy time.


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