Ot Just Clothes !!!Length of skirt ?

Why you "cougar-ist" you! Friday night Mark and I went to see Kathy Griffin do her stand up act and I got to see what was all going on in the fashions for the youth. It seems there is this outbreak of baby doll dresses which are so short that, even a slight bending over reveals the tushie. Then there were the older women who were way too tanned, way too bleached blonde and way too perfumed with the capri's and six inch platforms. Eh. It's so obvious that I have to just shake my head and feel for these women who are trying way too hard.

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How about the tongue ring on the waitress? Euuuuuuueeewwww. I get physically ill and can't look at or listen to that clicking around. I think they are going out of style as I haven't seen the tongue stud thing lately.

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The trick, I think, and it's hard to do, is to get them a little too long and push them up. I also have one twin set where the sleeves on the sweater end above my elbow, and I quite like how that looks, like extra long short sleeves.


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Dr. Brat

That's been my look when I lived up north and wore long sleeves most of the time. If the sleeves were long enough for me, the blouse or jacket was often too big, if the size was right the sleeves were often too short so I would push them up and if anyone asked, I said I liked the casual look. I got away with a lot that way.

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The baby-doll dress, with umpire waist, or just kind of one big blouson thing is in style now - abave the knee. Which really short, no matter how great your legs - doesn't really look good on anyone much past college age (being generous). When we were at Ken Ctr a couple of weeks ago - it was unbelievable to me the 50+ and older women in these outfits that were at most mid-thigh. With their teenage daughters - who might've looked fine - but mom looked absurd. Then there was the 20 something in the stunning baby-doll cocktail dress - with all her top showing - but the dress was about 6 inches tooo short - as this was a "zaftig" girl, very tan, and blonde, with what we would euphemistically call f***-me heels in black patent (not meant for walking). Had the dress been longer, the heels a touch lower - maybe 3" instead of over 5" - it would've been glam - but at just below the crotch -yuck.


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I don't know and I don't want to know....

Mind you, I see some pretty bizarre things come through the frame shop, both in the "art" and in the dress of customers.

Had a couple of things recently that made my stomach turn... DO NOT ASK, innocents read this group.


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Cheryl Isaak

That's one way to put it - trying to hard. I always liked the phrase, mutton dressed as lamb.

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Cheryl Isaak

Tongue studs are nothing comparatively.....

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Cheryl Isaak

Did Lorena Bobbitt arrive, wanting some sort of shadow box frame to mount an item in it ??

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lucretia borgia

Gawd woman, you are closer than you might want to know.... Just say that some of the body "modification" crowd likes to frame the "evidence"....

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Cheryl Isaak


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Carey N.

That is the understatement of the year....

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Cheryl Isaak

Is that like the wallet that expands into a briefcase when you rub it?

Elizabeth (hiding in the basement)

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Dr. Brat

No, absolutely not...

Tell me if you really want to know OFFLINE

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Cheryl Isaak

Yes, the blouson was the prevalent style. They did have the f me pumps, were in their young twenties and a few of them were way too fat, not zaftig, FAT and looked very odd. But, good for them, they have self-confidence and it showed in their strut. However, I don't need to see all of their junk!

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The biggest turn off to me is desperation.

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CHERYL! Eeeuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuwwwwwwwwweeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Don't go there!

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Amen sister

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Cheryl Isaak

Now I have to know. Eeem me please! I thought I've seen everything, but maybe not.

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As I'm doing medical job things - this made me think of some years ago - when I was working in my DA's (the surgeon) office. A young couple - in their 20s - hippie-ish - came in. The girl had been referred over - maybe by the ER, I don't remember exactly from where. Anyhow, the problem was she'd pierced both her nipples, and they were infected and oozing - lots. The boyfriend liked the rings - couldn't believe the problem wasn't just some weird lactation. My aunt just removed the rings, cleaned and told them they'd have to let the holes clear. The boyfriend was quite upset. After they left - my DM (who did the books/managed the office), myself and DA all let out a giant "eeeeewwww - that was gross" . I'm sure this was in the

70's - when I did patient prep stuff while in high school. Uck.


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