OT: Stupid goldfish question

I know someone here knows a bit about fish but I don't know who. I have Goldie who my son won at a carnival a few years ago and we bought other fish to put in the tank. Last week the last of his fish friends died. Should I buy another fish or will it fight with an unfamiliar fish? This thing actually hits the tank when I walk buy for food and I thought fish were stupid. Do fish get lonely? Thanks Donna D

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Donna D.
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No - ordinary goldfish won`t fight - Siamese fighters would, of course! No problems, as long as you float the container with the new fish in the tank in which the rest are living for an hour or so - to give it a chance to reach the same water temperature, otherwise it might suffer from shock.

Pat P

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Pat P

Some fish are schooling fish and do better in groups. Goldfish (I'm guessing from the name Goldie is a goldfish) aren't really schoolers. Some fish, notably cichlids, are territorial. As a rule, goldfish are not. If Goldie is a fancy goldfish with flowing finnage, be sure to ask whether the new roommates are fin-nippers. If they are then their entertainment will be shredding Goldie's fins. Your best approach is to explain to the fish person at your pet store what size tank/bowl you have, what fish is/are in it, and what you would like. Ask whther it will work. Different fish have different water requirements and different temperaments. (That's how we ended up with 26 aquaria. We just _had_ to have that fish that we couldn't keep with any other fish we had so we set up a new tank. Then there was that _other_ fish we couldn't keep with any of the fish we had....)

Karen E.

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Karen E

Your other fish may have died because goldfish add a high level of ammonia to the water. They need very good filtration in order to keep the water ahead of the nitrate and ammonia levels. If you bring a cup of water to any Petsmart of other store where they sell tropical fish, they can do a free water test for you. Goldfish get very large. Ours were two inches when we bought them. Both cost 25 cents and now they are over a foot long outside in our pond. Have the water checked before adding any other fish.

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I agree that most fish are not high on the intelligence scale -- no room for much of a brain. That being said, DD had a goldfish (named GoldieWater after our AZ senator) when she was in grade school. He didn't bump the side of the bowl for food like your fish but he would sit still in the water when DD came close waiting for DD to pet his back!!! The silly fish would even do the same when the cat got up next to the fishbowl. I think the two of them were "communing" because that silly fish would sit there and let the cat pat it on the back! Never did figure out what those two were up to -- LOLOL! CiaoMeow >^;;^<

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Tia Mary

Goldfish are carp and are not tropical. They don't need the same conditions as tropical fish. Some fish are very intelligent. Almost all tap water is treated with chlorimine. You have to remove this by waiting over two weeks or by breaking it down with chemicals. This will leave other chemicals. Almost all tap water is treated to make it less acid so as to not hurt plumbing. I have to run. The babies are yelling :) Judy

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I didn't say they were tropical. I said to have a water test. Water has to cycle, yes, but goldfish are hardy and are not good to have in a small tank with other tropical fish. They like colder water than tropical fish. I said nothing about fresh water, or anything like it. My goldfish eat from my hand and are quite smart.

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First, I found no fault in what you wrote. Second, I wasn't replying to you in particular. Third, I never meant to be anything but helpful.

I was scanning the topic while I waited for something to load and thought maybe I could throw out some info. I was busy helping two kids with homework. I also agree with your last post. :) Judy

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