Seal of the USA


Are you nuts? Spend all that time living with the project, looking at the chart constantly?

Just use a newspaper photo....


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Susan Hartman
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Dammit ! Now I have to clean my monitor !!!

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lucretia borgia

Your family must be very proud of her. What an accomplishment!


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Joan E.

Thank you all for your comments.

I should emagine that a lot of thought, patriotic feelings and work went into the design and the people involved thought it would be a great piece of art work to adorne the walls of the countrys' government buildings big and small. It is even possible that they knew the seal design would be used on rugs and people would walk on it, or used on chairs where people would sit on it or used as table clothes where people would mess it up with food and drink. It is also possible that they never dreamed such a thing would ever occur. Maybe to the people involved it was just a job, or quite likely it was a bit more than that and they were very proud of their efforts.

I hope this doesn't start a flame war but to my way of thinking thoughtful people (patriotic or otherwise) would not use the design for rugs, chairs or table cloths only the rable types would do such a thing, surely the design deserves a higher level respect whether it always gets it or not. Geeeeeesh I'm not even an American so the design really has no meaning for me other than the design belongs to my neighbor.

I have given the subject matter a great deal of thought and have come to the conclusion that at least *I have the freedom of choice* to show some respect (whether it is due or not) so I declined the sale and explained to the customer why.

Once again, **Thank You** all for your comments.


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't backstitch to emailjust stitchit. The closer you get to perfection the harder it is to achieve.

W.I.P. - "Fiddler on the Roof", "Oriental Maiden".

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Brenda wants a Stitch Away fabric mount to hold a canvas so she can stitch a

*dart board* on it? Put in on your bill? No questions about pricing? Now that's what the kind of customer that I like, I just finished a custom made Chess Board $2500 CDN so I should have some time to go all out on a custom made Stitch Away fabric mount for Brenda. Yo know the old saying, "Yo got the money honey I got the time." LOL


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't backstitch to emailjust stitchit. The closer you get to perfection the harder it is to achieve.

W.I.P. - "Fiddler on the Roof", "Oriental Maiden".

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IIRC there is one of my foot stools with a flower design on it still resting in the Smithsonian. I bigger head (swelled) my DW says I do not need. LOL


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't backstitch to emailjust stitchit. The closer you get to perfection the harder it is to achieve.

W.I.P. - "Fiddler on the Roof", "Oriental Maiden".

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I agree with you on the judgement prevail part.

Somehow Ya gotta do what ya think is right, i.e. A man's prayer shawl is just a piece of cloth but I would not enter a men's wash room in a Synagogue wearing a prayer shawl. Some men do some men do not but that's their choice. I just do not think it should be done. I'm not sure where my respect is being directed on that one.


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't backstitch to emailjust stitchit. The closer you get to perfection the harder it is to achieve.

W.I.P. - "Fiddler on the Roof", "Oriental Maiden".

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George - very cool. I went to grad school at CMU. It's definitely a foreword place in computer science, and all things computer... Not a comp sci person myself, but can appreciate this. I'm sure we know some folks in common with your SIL (my best friend here, is a systems engr prof and quite active with such things, her sister was the provost at Case-Wesern, then went to CMU ins a special deanship, now runs a start-up in Pgh). CMU is a very interesting school. Either artsy types, or techies - pretty much nothing in between.


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I'm with you Fred. I wouldn't stitch that piece for THAT particular use for any amount of money. I found the following meaning behind the Great Seal, and sure wouldn't contribute to someone resting their feet on it. And I'm a CANADIAN! "The Escutcheon is composed of the chief & pale, the two most honorable ordinaries. The Pieces, paly, represent the several states all joined in one solid compact entire, supporting a Chief, which unites the whole & represents Congress. The Motto alludes to this union. The pales in the arms are kept closely united by the chief and the Chief depends upon that union & the strength resulting from it for its support, to denote the Confederacy of the United States of America & the preservation of their union through Congress. The colours of the pales are those used in the flag of the United States of America; White signifies purity and innocence, Red, hardiness & valor, and Blue, the colour of the Chief signifies vigilance, perseverance & justice. The Olive branch and arrows denote the power of peace & war which is exclusively vested in Congress. The Constellation denotes a new State taking its place and rank among other sovereign powers. The Escutcheon is born on the breast of an American Eagle without any other supporters to denote that the United States of America ought to rely on their own Virtue.-

Reverse. The pyramid signifies Strength and Duration: The Eye over it & the Motto allude to the many signal interpositions of providence in favour of the American cause. The date underneath is that of the Declaration of Independence and the words under it signify the beginning of the new American Æra, which commences from that date.- "

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Maureen In Vancouver, B.C.

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