
Just came from home Wallmart. It is true, they are doing away with the DMC floss. They now carry about 25-30 skeins of Anchor floss.I asked the sales person and she said that the 20-to 30 colors were "ALL" they were going to carry. I guess it's back to Michaels since my LNS closed.

Amber in Northern Virginia

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So far my Wal-Mart still has most of the colors and when I asked about any change, they said they knew nothing about switching to Anchor.

We'll see if they just don't know or what. They now have only a very small area for cross stitch materials and floss.

My LNS is in the process of closing too so I guess from now on, if I want anything other than plain, vanilla floss, I'll have to order on line.


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On Sat, 07 Oct 2006 01:26:26 GMT, snipped-for-privacy@aol.com wrote: It is true, they are doing away with the

We have 2 local Wal Marts in my area. The one that has completed its remodeling has a large fabric area and some other crafts including DMC floss. The lady in charge said the other store that is remodeling now will have a smaller fabric area but will carry different crafts. Both stores have "some" of everything like scrapbooking, yarn, etc. I think they plan to avoid excessive duplication within a 20 mile area. I'm curious to see what happens when the second store finishes.

Our Hobby Lobby might as well be totally home decor. It is possibly

2/3 of the store area. Joanns has a teensy needlework area and way, way too much plastic stuff unrelated to needlework. Kmart has taken crafts out totally, returned some crafting supplies and now are again revamping that area. Various other area stores have some yarn and scrapbooking supplies. The only local speciality stores have pretty much disappeared unless you make a long commute, thus they are no longer local. I'm using the internet more and more these days. Moni
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Walker Family


Which Walmart is this? I was just in the one in Sterling and the craft dept. denies knowing anything, which is quite probably true. But that doesn't mean it won't happen.

Donna in Virginia

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Mine denies it too, but I'm watching it like a hawk. When they put it on clearance, color me there with a big shopping cart.

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At least we're lucky enough to have several LNS in the vicinity.


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Sorry to burst your bubble, but WalMart won't be putting DMC floss on sale (at least not for awhile). As an individual store gets low on stock of DMC, they are to send what is left to a central store in their area. One day your local WalMart will have some DMC and the next they won't have any. If you are lucky enough to live where their is a central store to collect the DMC you will have it around for a bit longer, but don't expect much in the way of selection.


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Since the same "geniuses" at WalMart some years ago decided to eliminate the lowest numbers of DMC on the theory that these were the oldest, perhaps it is time for a mass letter-writing campaign to educate them that 90% of XS patterns sold in the US are coded for DMC only. The brand of blueline embroidery they sell has only DMC numbers printed on the package. 310 DMC is not even close to 310 Anchor. They'll have a whole lot of confused customers who will simply give up on trying to convert and put the charts/bluelines back, and shop at Michaels/JoAnns instead.

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Karen C - California

Donna, It was the one in Woodbridge, very close to Potamic Mills

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I see a trip to IKEA in my future...

Donna in Virginia

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Hi Rita, At my local Waldomart, they did put all the floss on sale ($0.10/skein) and I went in and grabbed a lot of the pretty colours that I knew I was likely to use. Unfortunately, when they put it on sale, they just dumped it all into one big cardboard box, and as people went pawing through it, it got worse and worse. I did drive to the two other nearest Waldomarts to try to find one that hadn't done this yet, and neither of them knew of any discontuination, and their floss was still nice and neat on the spinners. My DH went back the next day (after I calmed down his freakout about me coming home with 300 skeins of DMC.. :) ) and bought all that was left. We've got a number of stitching friends overseas who pay a fortune and I forsee some RAK's in the works... If I can ever get it all sorted out! :) Heather

Liesch wrote:

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Heather in NY

Are you insane???? (re the local DC traffic). We've decided it's faster to go to IKEA in MD outside of College Park than to go to Potomac Mills. But, we are going to IKEA for some bookshelves...just skipping the Walmart (I have issues with their labor policies).


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Wal-Mart's computer tracking system is sophisticated enough to tell them whether it would be more advantageous for them to put it on sale or transfer it. I've seen such varied stories from region to region where it has gone on sale or been taken out of the store completely that I'm not going to assume what they might or might not do with it.

At mine, no one has a clue that this is happening or going to happen. If they move it, I guess I'll find out one day when I walk in and see it's not there. If they sell it off for 10c per skein, I'll just grab it all and hie myself to the cash register.

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Not insane, Ellice. Crazy like a fox. I agree it's easier to get to the College Park IKEA. But they don't have the Three Sisters Needle Art and Framing store in College Park. It's in Woodbridge. Link here:

formatting link

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Ah, now I understand. Hmmm - I've never been there. Interesting - they're not part of the retailers association. Caryn? This could be a trip...


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I'm sorry to inform you but Three sisters is closed. Thjey had to move across the street from where they were and then they lost that place.. They hope to open again soon in another location. I miss them I was one of the" tuesday night sew and sew's". We used to gather tuesday nights to stitch and chat and eat.


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Ah. You're breaking my heart. Darn. They're so nice and friendly at Three Sisters. I hope things work out for them. Make sure you post if/when they reopen.

Donna in Virginia

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