First Paper Piece Block

OOooppssss!!! Sorry about that. Try this.

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Hugs, Mika

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Charlotte Hippen

A suggestion for paper piecing: when I teach I suggest making an extra copy or two of the pattern. Or trace the parts, adding a 3/8-1/2" seam all around. Use these "templates" to rough cut your fabric pieces. If you have the same shape "reversed" layer your fabric wrong sides (or right sides) together to cut. This not only makes your piece big enough but, especially important for odd shapes and triangles, the correct shape. You can also be sure to cut the outside edge on straight grain to help stabilize the block. For this block you would have 3 "templates". Layer your fabric with same sides together, cut the inside triangle and the outside piece face up, and the middle piece face down, 4 times. You can also "interlock" the pieces this way to save some fabric. (Your triangles will cut from a rectangle and so on.) It does seem to be redundant, but it really isn't, because you don't have to be real accurate with this cutting. You will be trimming the edges as you sew the seams, but it does make the sewing faster. Just the prep takes a bit longer.

Again, good job. Keep on trying and it gets easier. promise.

Pati, > OOooppssss!!! Sorry about that. Try this.

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Pati Cook

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