Guild Librarian

Our poor librarians tote many tubs of books to each meeting. It is really a huge labor. We try to get a copy of the latest things. Occasionally, there is a sale of some of the older, less checked-out books.

You are truly taking on a labor of love.


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Lenore L
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=46rom one Roberta to another:

If uploading to a website is an option then I vote for Free, easy, even fun!!! Here's what I posted about it a few messages back:

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isa way cool resource where I have our library listed. It is free for up to 200 books, or $25 for a lifetime unlimited personal (or non- profit) account. Anyone with net access (even on a web-enabled phone when you are at a garage sale or thrift store!) can see what books we currently have.

You can add tags for content descriptions or who owns (or has checked out) which book, etc. I'm not particularly technical but I got our entire library logged. There are even copies of the covers automatically inserted once you have the title confirmed. That's helpful when you can see the book but can't remember the title or author. :o)

The downside to almost any media is that it becomes outdated so quickly. Trying to keep your electronic files, operating system, and hardware playing nicely together can be a nightmare!

Bert in Rice, WA Piecemakers Guild Librarian

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In that case you could consider creating your own Yahoo group. There are places for photos, files, databases, polls, etc., in addition to the mail list that many of us have used for years. You can make it non- public so that it is open to just your group.

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It's free, fairly easy to administerand use, and has lots of features. Not perfect, but sure does a lot ofthings well.

Roberta in R(ice, WA)

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Cindy: Well, each Librarian has a folding flat dolly cart to help move the crates. Members help too. Even so, it would be a bother to get home and have to lug the crates into the house and up the stairs to the guest room! On top of that, I don't want all those crates cluttering the guest room. So, I am not the Librarian here!

Another idea: Ragmop mentioned having a 'no fines' month now and then. I'd suggest that people can bring in ANY over due materials along with canned goods or school supplies for the local charitable drive. That is what our County Library does. In fact, I think this is such a Good Idea, I will suggest it to my own guild!


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Pat in Virginia

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