
Okay, so perhaps you don't have easy access to an Apple Store (I didn't have, either, when I lived in Arizona), but you do certainly have phone support from Apple! If you just bought the Mac, you have at least 90 days of free phone support; if you also buy AppleCare, you have three

*years* of free phone support. I love the Mac techs!
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Good luck, Kathyl, and let the rest of us Mac users know if you have questions we can answer. Oh, that reminds me! Another great resource is the Apple forums on the Apple site: . I generally check on several sections there fairly frequently, and I always read up on whatever I'm about to update/upgrade, whether it's just the OS or some hardware. Just keep in mind that it's mostly people there who are having problems, so you won't see posts from the thousands of folks who are perfectly happy. :)

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On Thu, 13 Aug 2009 12:14:41 -0500, KJ wrote (in article ):

Does the bookstore have techs that work on the computers?


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Maureen Wozniak

Congrats on your new Mac! We went Mac about a year ago. The transition was a little rough, since I'd been using Windows since just before Windows 2, and 13 years of that doing graphic design (with a big chip on my shoulder)!! Now, neither of us can imagine going back, even without Vista. Once you get the hang of it, it's just so *easy, and FAR more stable.

I use Fusion with XP for EQ6 and it works well. I understand Parallels is pretty much the same.

One of the nice benefits of Mac is the almost total (I don't want to jinx it!) freedom from viruses and other malware, so I don't use Windows for anything online.

Switched to Firefox after I was having some slowdowns--offline--and read something about Safari being the culprit. Didn't/doesn't make much sense to me, but seemed to take care of the problem.

No advice about newsreaders, since I'm using and haven't tried anything else, but keep hearing good things about eternalseptember (where'd that name come from?)


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heidi (was rabbit2b)

Thanks Heidi! You're not the first one to mention switching to Firefox with a Mac. I'm making the transition slowly!

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