OT: A cute story...

Received this in my email box. I thought you might like, so I figured I'd share.

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I have a friend whose son was expelled from Playgroup at the age of about 3.

He was pouring cups of tea from the toy teapot for the other children but did not have access to the sink and visits to the toilet were escorted by a teacher.

No water - so he made his own!

This wasn't his only 'crime', just one too many!

Sally at the Seaside ~~~~~~~~~~ (uk)

Charlotte wrote:

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Sally Swindells

OMG!!! that is just TOOOO funny!!!!!

amy in CNY

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amy in CNY

That's a cute story. Reminds me of when my son was in second grade. The teacher was opening her Christmas Gifts in front of the class. She opened a fabric angel and true it didn't have a face. My poor son said loud enough "It's Naked" and he was sent to his seat crying. I was a room mother and yes we did pick up and leave the party. I also dropped out of being room mother that year. Kids are young and they will say what they see and express. It also remind me of one time my husband told a little kid went in a toilet display in a store once!! Pami

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