OT baby aromatheraphy

We had a precious visit from a great-grandbabyson this week and there is, once again, lots I need to learn. That wonderful little darling is a drooler/spitter. I do hate to see little ones burying their faces on grownup's shoulders without something clean and soft 'just for baby' between them and the grownup's clothing. I slipped a soft, clean 'feedsack' sort of dishtowel between me and the little guy. The cloth seemed to make him angry. It certainly was soft and clean but my towels smell like the wood of the cabinet. The dishes have never seemed to care. So. I think I've seen some bathtime aromatheraphy things for wee ones and wondered about them. Step one, of course, now that we're back into baby guests, will be to lay in a supply of diapers and burp cloths. Is there a gentle scent that babies find comforting? Eau d'warm milk comes to mind but that would be tricky to duplicate, methinks. I'm also wondering if Minkee is absorbent. Anyone? Polly

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polly esther
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You are such a sweetheart Poly, always thinking about the other person;s comfort. Perhaps you could wash some towels in baby detergent. I have a bottle that I use for the quilts I make for children. It does smell so good!

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Polly When our granddaughter Liliana was born the nurses suggested using Lavender in her bath time and bedtime rituals. I believe the brand we use is Johnson & Johnson bath bubbles, lotion and powder. Liliana will be three this year on Halloween, if she has had a hard day my daughter sprays a lavender linen mist on her bedding and curtains and it seems to help calm her even now. We swear by lavender to ease even the terrible two moments. Good luck and give the little guy a gentle squeeze from me.

Diana in Dallas (Nana to Liliana)

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Thank you, I think you've got the scent thing figured out - now, what about Minkee / absorbency? I know babies love the feel of Minkee but don't know if it's good if you're inclined to drool. I don't know if Minkee would be super or miserable. I can go get a piece and mist it - just thought somebody had already 'invented this wheel'. Polly

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polly esther

I don't know about Minkee absorbency, but Lavendar and Chamomile are both very soothing and calming scents.

Karen, Queen of Squishies an avid aromatherapy user


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Karen, Queen of Squishies

I don't know about Minkee and baby drool, but faux fur certainly absorbs/hides basset drool. I really gotta send pics.


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What about the smell of "mom?" :)

I don't really have an answer for your question, Polly, but what a sweet thing to think of for your special great-grandbaby!

-Irene =20

-------------- You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.=20

--Mae West=20


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Now that did cross my mind. I was thinking of his mom's shampoo for a familiar scent. She has a glorious head of hair and baby surely recognizes her shampoo as 'mama'. They have 4 other children and she may smell like soccer socks and supper cooking. How well I remember the days of wondering if I could ever stay clean. Polly

"IMS" wrote > What about the smell of "mom?" :)

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polly esther

the shampoo is an excellent idea! just washed hair always smells stronger of it so baby will *know* the smell and associate is with "mom"

also a spray of moms perfume would help too

my youngest son like to have a used bandanna on his pillow) I fold bandanna's and use them as headbands) every time I want to wash it I swap it with the one on his pillow and bung the one off his pillow in the wash. this is how I keep my youngest *out* of my bed and *in* his LOL

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Lavendar works VERY well for babies. I would use a good essential oil diluted as you do not want it TOO strong. Paulette in WV

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Paulette in WV

What fascinating replies. I know that scent can zing through to my brain faster than anything and thought it would be the same for babies. I still can't open a bottle of rubbing alcohol without my mind going to the school days when the health department nurses appeared to line us all up for typhoid shots. And Coty face powder. I don't wear powder but I still like to pick up a box now and then. My precious mama wore it and the scent always takes me back to her. And vinegar? It makes me need to go dye Easter eggs. I could bring all this up at 'group' but I spent my mental health $s on stash. Polly

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polly esther

well in all honesty that is the best place for your $$

I call it value for money ;-)

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And what about that "first" lipstick that we were allowed to wear. It turned a faint peach when it went on but it did have a distinctive aroma and taste. Oh, Polly, you brought back fond memories of my childhood. I remember the alcohol smell too when shots were looming. Don't remember getting the actual shot, though, since I had generally fainted by then!

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Polly I also made a Minkee quilt when Liliana was born it was Lavender and mint green in color, very lush and she loved the texture and drools,spills and other mishaps were no trouble. We just tossed in the laundry and all came out.

Diana in Dallas Nana to Liliana

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I wouldn't exactly call Minkee absorbent - but drool and spit have not harmed the baby quilts I have made from it. Nor have the actions of my old rather drooly cat (Enness) damaged her little quilt.

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