OT minor annoyances

Anybody who knows me knows I am creative- in ALL areas of my life. So, why does a (male) friend call, ask what I'm doing and then act surprised when I'm vacuuming out my oven... and even sound a bit concerned at my choice of early morning activities??? There's a perfectly logical explanation.... my gas cooking stove is not level. I'm not strong enough to level it, so I live with it. The pineapple-upside-down cake cooked over the top of the pan because the pan was not level inside the oven. The spill made a nasty burned-on mess in my oven. I used the self-cleaning oven feature which reduced the good-sized boil over to a large pile of white ash. Rather than try to use a damp paper towel to get the ashes out of there, and possibly shove some ash thru the heat openings and into the lower innards of the oven, I simply vacuumed up the ash. Now all that long explanation is because this friend couldn't/wouldn?t simply accept that I chose to vacuum my oven in the privacy of my own home and let it go at that.

And then he forgot why he called in the first place and had to call back again when he remembered. But he sure didn't ask what I was doing the second time he called.

Sheesh! Men!!!

Leslie & The Furbabies in MO.

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Leslie & The Furbabies in MO.
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Now that is really funny. Mind you, I can sort of understand the incomprehension!! . In message , Leslie & The Furbabies in MO. writes

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Pat S

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Louise in Iowa

this is really sad. i am taking a break from kitchen cleaning and i was just vacuuming the oven just the drawer but still the oven, and the underneath. With all the hairy critters here this time of year is a fair amount of work. everyone shedding. around here we both do it all. if a chore needs done then either of us deal with it. men do think different than us but i am glad I have one that is pretty open minded about household 'stuff. Taria

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I have an Aga ( you knew that) so that it the way to clean the oven. I also use a paint scraper on the hobs and enamel, because it doesn't scratch.

Nel (GQ)

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For a couple of years, our microwave's door tried very hard to slam shut and cut the hands off of anyone trying to put anything in it or get anything out. Didn't seem to bother Mr. Esther. It bothered me Big Time. When I'd had enough of that, I slipped my hefty yardstick beneath the front of the m/w, prized it up just a wee little bit and put a couple of thin shims under the right front foot. Voila and viola! That did it. Even we 99 pound weaklings will only put up with so much and then there's time for action. Right or wrong. Polly

"Roberta" <

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Polly Esther



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Cindy from GA but wants to be

Leslie, while I admire the ingenuity of vacuuming the ash (since I would never have thought of it) do the fee on your oven not turn to level it? A good sized box wrench might take care of that problem - along with that level, of course. Just a thought.

Kim in NJ

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ews: snipped-for-privacy@mid.individual.net...

Taria, I only pray that my DH would 'notice' what needs to be done. A friend and I feel like we are married to the same people. It amazes us that we can see crumbs on the counter that need to be wiped up but they don't - among other things. Give your family a big hug & kiss from us!

Kim in NJ

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Leslie, while I admire the ingenuity of vacuuming the ash (since I would never have thought of it) do the fee on your oven not turn to level it? A good sized box wrench might take care of that problem - along with that level, of course. Just a thought.

Kim in NJ

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Leslie & The Furbabies in MO.

Oh... I'm sure they see them... after all they are not blind. But it doesn't bother them. My DH and DS are notorious on this one! When I walk into the kitchen in the dark, I like to trail my fingers across the granite counter on the island. I love it when it feels so nice and cool and smooth. But more often than not -- I get the heebie-jeebies and head straight to the granite cleaner!

Same thing with the over-flowing trash kitchen trash can, the empty paper towel holder and about a dozen other things. They see them... but just keep looking right on past them!

Taria, I only pray that my DH would 'notice' what needs to be done. A friend and I feel like we are married to the same people. It amazes us that we can see crumbs on the counter that need to be wiped up but they don't - among other things. Give your family a big hug & kiss from us!

Kim in NJ

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Kate in MI

Then, yes, have Mr. Smartypants come help or take page out of Polly's book. Maybe it was 8th or 9th grade science (or even earlier - it's been far too long) the fulcrum is our friend. If you could get a strong enough piece of metal/wood at long enough length to get to that back corner with the block/fulcrum to lift enough to get a shim of some sort under there?????? With Mr. Smartypants help turning off the gas to the stove shouldn't be too much of an issue if you can get to the connection - should be a shut off at (or if you have a basement just below) the stove/oven. Why am I so blessed with this knowlege? Married to a fireman and have contractors and plumbers for dear friends. Let me know if want/need more info although I think you're right up there in the knowledge dept.

Kim in NJ

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I know heebie-jeebies soooo well! Are your DH and DS like mine and just don't seem to understand the definition of garbage? About the only room in the house that implement seems to be recognized is the bathroom. I guess I should be eternally grateful that he changes the toilet paper! I had a conversation the other day with a friend explaining that I had asked DH to pick up his droppings from 3 specific places as we were having guests for dinner in a couple of days. I said that after moving the stuff from spot to spot for x number of months, I would just get nuts and tell him that if I had to move x one more time it was going in the garbage. I hate to be a shrew but sometimes...........

Kim in NJ

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The only husband droppings I've ever had to deal with were those on the bedroom dresser. Important (?) scraps of paper, business cards, lists, names, dates, spare parts (also ?) and good stuff piled up beyond comprehension. When finally desperate of his pocket droppings, I took a plain old brown paper bag, wrote the date on it and scooped all of it into the bag. Set it on the shelf in our closet. I never throw one single thing away. Not one. Not one part number, not one lug nut, not one measurement, not one phone number. In 60 years, he's never had to search into any of the bags. I respect his need for keeping things that might be important but I don't have to dust them. If only I could teach him that he is capable of putting a spoon in the dishwasher. This dear man worked in a chemical plant and survived the Korean War. How scary could the dishwasher be? Polly

I know heebie-jeebies soooo well! Are your DH and DS like mine and just don't seem to understand the definition of garbage? About the only room in the house that implement seems to be recognized is the bathroom. I guess I should be eternally grateful that he changes the toilet paper! I had a conversation the other day with a friend explaining that I had asked DH to pick up his droppings from 3 specific places as we were having guests for dinner in a couple of days. I said that after moving the stuff from spot to spot for x number of months, I would just get nuts and tell him that if I had to move x one more time it was going in the garbage. I hate to be a shrew but sometimes...........

Kim in NJ

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Polly Esther

If you ring up the gas company here and explain that you cannot level your stove without disconnecting the line they will send someone out to do it for you for a nominal fee. If you are disabled they halve the fee.

Dunno if yours is so accommodating, but it is worth asking. Heck with what winter gas bills run they ought to send out a personal assistant to maintain and run every gas appliance in the house!


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Oh wow, NM. How lovely. We don't have gas in the Swamp. Okay. We don't have a gas company here. There are some who do but we read in the newspaper that there were 800 gas leaks in their system, 400 of which could be dangerous. So glad that you thought of calling the gas company. It would be just so nice if they could come get our Leslie level. Polly

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Polly Esther

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That must some universal male trait.


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Maureen Wozniak

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