OT moving from ID to WY

Hi, I don't post often, but I am moving this next week from Idaho Falls, ID to Casper, WY.

Quilting wise I am looking forward to it because I haven't quilted this year at all. Getting the house organized, decluttered, etc., before putting it on the market was a couple of months.

But we sold it in 8 days and for over our asking price, so that was good! Now, I just have to get there, get the movers to unpack me. Fondle and look at every piece of fabric again while I put it away, and then pick up where I left off!!

Any Casper quilters out there? Any nearby? I have the directory, but to be honest, I printed it out, and then put it in the area where the sewing books are for the movers to pack. I just haven't had time to look at anything. My husband has been in Casper since January 29th, so it has been go till you can't, then go to sleep, get up and go again, blah, blah.

Well, in a couple of days, I'll be offline for awhile moving and getting set up. Then, back online and sewing.

I usually am just a quiet reader, here and there popping in, but now I'll pop out for a bit. Will pop in later!!!

Martha joysjane

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Congrats on the move and have a safe trip.

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Cindy Schmidt

Ditto! Hope you love your new home!

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Carolyn McCarty

Happy moving to you! Hope it goes smoothly. ME-Judy

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Good luck on the move. DH & I may be through that area the last part of August. I will be in touch long before then. We spent 2 nights in Casper going from Glacier National Park to Yellowstone, and from Yellowstone on our way back home to Texas.

Sherry Starr

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Sherry Starr

Hi Martha,

I am so excited for you!! Hope you get settled in soo and find some great quilt shops.


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Hey Sherry and Martha, that would be a great time for a meetup maybe. DH and I are talking about doing a tour out that way toward the end of August too. It would be so much fun. I have always wanted to see Montana, Wyoming, Idaho, Washington and Oregon. We decided to do it this year hopefully. So let me know what your plans are and we'll see if a meetup is possible.

Good luck with the move Martha. Hope it all goes well for you.

Hugs, Mika

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