OT - Rough Week - Need Prayers

This past week has been a tough one. We were supposed to close on our house Friday and Thursday evening we were told that the lawyers didn't even have it on their schedules. Then the underwriters were lagging in getting their stuff done. Then there was a slight glitch with DH's VA certificate of eligibility. We had planned it so that we would have time to go in and paint, finish the basement and do some other things before we had to move furniture in. I have busted my butt to get the paperwork and everything to the loan officer in plenty of time to close on Friday. Then it all fell apart and we don't get to close until Thursday. I told DH one night that I had stressed so much over the deadline that I didn't have any stress left in my body. Boy was I wrong. My worries over this house are nothing.

My childhood best friend had been in the hospital so I called her to find out what was going on and how she was doing. She hadn't called me because she didn't want to worry me. Well, she went in for her annual exam in January and got a bad pap back so she had a biopsy done and it was bad too. She went into the hospital to have a hysterectomy but after they opened her up they saw that it had gone into the lymph glands and closed her up. Now she will have to go through chemo and radiation. This is where the prayers come in. Not for me but for her and her family. Her husband is not taking this very well. She and I have been through so much together in the past 35 years and it kills my to think of her having to go through this. So if you all would keep her and her family in your prayers I would greatly appreciate it.

Irene, I truly hope you get good results back from your MRI. I am keeping you in my prayers and sending good thought your way daily.

For all the others who need prayers and good thoughts for whatever reason, I just want the group as a whole to know that you all are in my prayers.

Hugs, Mika

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Sometimes it feels like the whole world is conspiring against you, doesn't it? I'm really sorry abut the frustrations you're having with your new home. We went through something similar when we sold our last one, so I know what you're feeling. Hang in there - it'll hopefully feel like a distant memory once you're settled in.

Your friend and her family will be in my prayers - both for healing and for the strength to get through this difficult time.

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Louise in Iowa

Your friend & family, as well as you are in prayers being sent your way. Barbara in SC

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Bobbie Sews More

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Kim, it really does seem like bad news comes in batches, doesn't it? I'm keeping my fingers crossed for your house and for your friend.

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Oh those $#%@ VA loans! My ex bought my house and we fooled with them- us jumping thru ridiculous hoops and constant contradictions in what they needed from us- for 5.5 months before we could finalize the sale. Don't feel like they are 'picking' on you. It happens to many/most folks trying to get a mortgage loan. This economy is so uncertain and lenders are justified in being so jumpy right now. I'll say some prayers for your friend- may the treatments be completely successful for her and that she tolerate them well.


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Leslie& The Furbabies in MO.

Now MIka you know VA is never ever going to move paperwork in a timely manner. They actually tried to convince us there had been a fire that caused some of the slowdown. I guess that wasn't much different than many of their other excuses. They just only move at slow or stop it seems. Hopefully once you close things will go ok. We are sending happy moving thoughts. I am so sorry to hear about your friend. That is tough. Hopefully they will be able to help her. I am sorry this is such a rotten time for you. HOpe things are looking up soon. Hugs, TAria

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It feels sometimes as if the whole world is in need of comfort and prayers. I'll keep you and your friend and her family in my thoughts and prayers.


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Mika prayers going up to you AND your friend.

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Prayers to you and your friend...good luck w/the VA...rollercoaster, indeed.

amy in CNY

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amy in CNY

You are right, that IS a tough week. ((((((MIKAHUGS)))))) and prayers on the way.

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The house situation is so frustrating. It's so aggravating to have a plan, and then somebody drops the ball. However, it WILL get sorted out.

As for your friend, I'm so sorry. She and her DH are in my thoughts.

Hugs to you,

Michelle in NV

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Michelle C

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