OT - weather

Hope all of you are safe and secure and protected from both the doggone heat waves and horrific storms that keep running through the country. Enough! Praying better (and calmer) weather will soon be on their way. Ya can't quilt when it's too hot or lose power in a storm.

ME-Judy (who regretfully remembers saying last "spring" when we were having frosts, snow storms, and no plants sprouting - while all of you down south & west were telling how pretty your tulips/azaleas were - that, come summer, I'd BRAG about our SUMMERS. Sorry to have said that..... we're 76*, sunny, bit of breeze up here in Maine -- wish I could send you some, but I want to hang on to it while it's here.)

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Holy Cow, I know people laugh at us here in the maritime NW. Most of us don't even have air conditioning. But, we had two days of over 95 degree weather and it was miserable. It is making me rethink the whole air conditioner issue. Either that or I go out to the kids pool with them. In fact it is so hot and sunny I made them swim in their clothes to keep the sun off of them. :) Thinking it is going to be cooler today... Vikki in WA State

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Vikki In WA State


Welcome to my world.

R/Sandy -- Tx. summer: it ain't for sissies! ;-D

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Sandy Ellison

Ain't that the truth (The sissie thing, that is)!! : > )

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Donna in NE La.

yesterday, winter deep in the middle of the south pacific ocean, the temp in our house without any heaters turned on measured at 19C aka 66F at 8pm. yesterday was very sunny and warm and i had every window open all day til the sun set, then all windows and curtains were pulled shut. today i looked out back and the first daffodil bulb has bloomed. spring has sprung, the grass has rizz, i wonder where the birdies izz. goodness, those birdies never leave the garden thru the whole of winter, all

4 weeks of it this year in bhb, auckland, nz. short and hardly worth the few odd days i froze, really weird this winter has been. we've had one area on the east side of the north island in major drought and it got flooded over this past week to the point where army was called in to help evacuate the kids from school when the flash floods came thru, eeeeeeek. i hope it all drys out in time for our spring lambing season or we're not gonna have much lamb on the table round here. that storm also caused a huge mess in the avocado orchards, with branches in bud for next yr as well as the fruit for this yr that was less than a week off picking all dumped on the ground. there goes any hope of guacamolé round here for a couple yrs probly as they'll all be way too expensive to buy. sigh....what the heck will we be eating i wonder. enjoy'n the sunshine while it lasts, jeanne
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