QI helpers

Does anyone else find that their QI's of the feline persuasion feel compelled to help with binding? I was trying to get the binding on a wallhanging I need to finish soon (nothing like a deadline to get a project done), and Mr. Leo felt that he needed to hold on to the end of my binding. I was really torn between finding it really annoying, and really cute.


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Definitely. "Helping" with binding is Bosley's job. First he chases the end, grabs it and won't let go. Then when I get to the machine-sewing part, he gets under the machine and tangles himself up in the folds of the quilt. Last time I got so exasperated with him (and the binding wasn't going well, either!)....I put him in the bedroom.


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ROFL!! There are reasons my SR is a "cat-free zone". But when I am quilting large quilts, like the queen size I was quilting last weekend, I put the machine on the dining room table, and then the feline QIs are all over it. Like the quilt wasn't heavy enough to start with, add 3 cats, ranging from 9 to 15 pounds!! Yikes. I could hardly move it around. I'll let you know if they decide to "help" with the binding. :-)

TerriLee > Does anyone else find that their QI's of the feline persuasion feel

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TerriLee in WA

My babies are so helpful -- especially with the binding -- that I have to put it (the binding) in a small plastic trash can that sits next to my machine. That way they can't see all that lovely, skinny, wriggly stuff moving around in a totally tempting manner! What they do is take turns sitting on the bulk of the quilt that is laid out on the table. Makes it quite a challenge to work with! CiaoMeow >^;;^<

PAX, Tia Mary >^;;^< (RCTQ Queen of Kitties) Angels can't show their wings on earth but nothing was ever said about their whiskers! Visit my Photo albums at

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Tia Mary

Here is Ginger the binding thief:

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She just made off with the whole length and I followed the trail. SHe is lucky she is otherwise so sweet and cute! Taria

Heidi wrote:

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Well, this didn't show and I am having server issues so I'll try from Google. I'm sure that once I hit send my other will show. My appologies for duplicate posts.

That would be my Cheetah cat. She loves to help mommy with her projects!! Among many other tasks, she likes to check out my pieces on the cutting table, inspect out my layouts, and make sure the scraps are in their places in the scrap bin. You name, she'll be there to 'help'. She is there to be involved!!! Lots of times now she will come in and play around and check my stuff out for a bit, get some loving from mom and then she takes a nap in my chair while I work (I end up having to use a little stool to sew but that is OK). I've learned not to work on things like binding etc. that I don't want help on until she is cuddled in for her nap. Until then we either play a bit or I find something else to do that doesn't matter if I get a bit of extra 'help'. If she doesn't settle in and I really need to get something finished I can also close her out now that I have my own room. Doesn't happen often, but having the option is always nice!!

Only thing right now we have to work on is getting her to stop chewing on batting. For some reason she likes how some of the fluffier battings feels or something, because I constantly have to shoo her away when it is out or she'll start in on it. Luckily I don't use them that often and my big roll of W&N, which is always out, gets left alone.

-- Charlotte

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My QI is a dog, and she only sits on ends of quilts that happen to be on the floor in "her" favorite spot. Otherwise she just keeps me company, and I know she's temporarily abandoned the supervision part of her job when I hear her snoring.

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Just looked at the link. Your Golden's are absolutely gorgeous, Taria. Interesting to see that binding help is not restricted to kitties. Your little one looks like my Daisy. Is that Ginger?


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Daisy will be 2 on May 10th. She is the character around our house. She does the toy dance and moans every time she gets excited. She can only make noise with a toy in her mouth. My Tucker, who just turned

4, is the sweetest boy, but does not have as much personality as she does. They are both a joy also. My theory is that every house should come equiped with at least one Golden, and everyone in the world would be happier.

Did you rescue Ginger?


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My feline QI gypsy helps me when I am pressing the backing fabric which could be 3 yards or more. She waits for the fabric to puddle on the floor under the ironing board and then helps to hold the fabric down by napping on it. Doesn't bother with the pressing process any other time. Such a big help, she is.

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On Thu, 10 Apr 2008 21:59:29 -0500, Heidi wrote (in article ):

That is typical of my QIs. It could be worse. Katie Mae felt she had to hold my thread and kept pulling it of my needle the other day.


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Maureen Wozniak

I lost my golden to old age 2 years ago. She was 19.5 years old. She would help me by sitting on my lap as I sewed. After 6 months of being catless we adopted two kitties from a no kill shelter (they were house mates), one a maine coon mix (age 9), the other is a golden (age 6). Her name is Ginger and she is into everything. Then we found out we were moving to France. They are with the house sitter now in the US. We may bring them to France as soon as we get a clue on how long we are staying and scope out a good vet and such. We have been so busy since being here, I can't imagine having brought them with everything else going on. The house sitter is great and loves cats.

Jean in Metz

everyone in the world would be happier.

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and everyone in the world would be happier.

Is this Jean, the fabulous engineer/quilter, formerly of Georgia Tech and adhoc leader of the Atlanta Gang? And was this the beautiful golden cat, whose fur you were saving to try to spin into yarn?

If so, Hola! If not, another wonderful golden cat owner!

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