Sort of OT, but not exactly ;)

Something you'll want to consider is weight. When you can, plan to use a sturdy silk or tough nylon for the insides. If you can't lift it, you won't enjoy having/using it. Polly

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Polly Esther
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I have her "21 Sensational Patchwork Bags" and it may just have what Sandy is looking for in it.

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I've made Jenny Raymond's "Easy on the Back" bag (the smaller one). It is easier on the back than a regular shoulder bag, but is not a replacement for a back pack. If I am going to do much walking, I prefer a back pack.

Jenny Raymond's bag is quite easy to make. It has a lot of zippers, but they are not difficult to put in. If I make another one, I think I will leave the zipper out of one of the outside pockets to make it easier to slip in papers or a book or magazine. I think the most unusual part of the construction of the bag is that she has you fusing the outer fabric to the lining before you cut anything. If you are using various fabrics for a more scrappy look, you should have it pretty well planned with the fabrics cut to the approximate size you need. I used all one fabric for the outside of my bag, and fusing 2+ yards of fabric was a bit of a challenge. I used Wonder Under for the fusing.

Julia > There was talk about Jenny Raymond here a month or so ago and I ordered

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Julia in MN

If you're not concerned about making a fashion statement, you may want to simply go to Target or someplace and buy a backpack; it will probably be less expensive than making one -- and probably lighter weight and more durable, too. The one I am using is almost 10 years old and I use it a lot, especially since I retired 7 years ago. We live in an area where I can do some errands on foot and then I always use the backpack. Mine is big enough so that I can get a beach towel and a bag of toiletries in it when I go to the Y for water aerobics and sturdy enough so I can fill it with books (though that gets a bit heavy :)

Julia > >

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Julia in MN

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That's exactly what I'd decided to do last year before the Houston show, Julia. Unfortunately, I procrastinated until to late to find anything decent; school supplies had long since been bought up. If I don't find a pattern for what I want, I may well go looking at ready-mades in August

-- but I think I'd rather like to have one I made.

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That's a *very* good point, Polly! Thanks! :)

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Okay, Melinda -- you did it. I had to order Susan Briscoe's books, and it's all your (and Pat's and Sally's) fault! ;)

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You could always buy one and add some appliqués with fabric glue to personalize it.

Julia in MN

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Julia in MN

I'll tell her, Sandy. She'll be thrilled (she lives in Wales) - all the way to Las Vegas (near!). Hope you enjoy them. . In message , Sandy writes

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I'm sure I will, Pat. :) And how wonderful to be able to thrill someone in Wales! I get such a charge out of telling people about your book and how we're friends, though we live so far apart.

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