What's a "Charm Quilt"?

One of the most interesting sights I ever saw was a soundwall that separated a housing development from the railroad tracks and nearby freeway. While I am quite sure the side facing into the neighborhood was mundane and unadorned, the "backside" that faced the tracks was an awesome canvas for artistic graffiti. It was one big long mural, telling a story and quite a work of art/heart.

I often wondered if the people ever knew there was a treasure just beyond their everyday view. You could only see it from the train.

G> What, you never heard of designer concrete? =A0(and yes, there is such a > thing)

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Several other quilters have given you good info on this interesting topic, Doc. Here is my two cents worth.

I have read that Charm Quilts were very popular during late Victorian Days. Charm bracelets gained some popularity during that time, as did button collections. The commonality was that each contained only ONE example of each specimen. (Exception was sometimes made to have one pair of one particular fabric, for 'hunting' game for children.)

Charm bracelets returned to fashion in the 1950s, but I do not *think* the charm quilts were back in fashion. Charm quilts gained had a brief resurgence during the 1980 - early 1990 era. (QNM featured them and I saved those articles.)

Now the Charm Quilts are back, with some people using the squares sold at LQS. Interestingly, charm bracelets have returned but the design of the bracelet is different from previous incarnations. They use a watch type bracelet with slide charms, instead of a heavy chain to support pendant charms. I do own a quilter's charm broach that has a bar for quilt related pendant charms. I bought it at Paducah this year, and added a charm at Hershey last week.

In any case, most quilts are simply charming!! PAT in VA/USA

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Pat in Virginia

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