OT catching up, busy busy

Hi all! I've been trying to get caught up on all the posts. I have been reading them, and I'm sorry I did not always respond to all of them! Time has been scarce, and it's been kind of hectic for me this holiday season. The retail bakery business totally rocked this year! We missed having another record week of sales by only $400!! I can't remember if I mentioned before now about our previous record week, the week of Thanksgiving. The store manager and our department manager took us to the best steakhouse/restaurant in town for lunch as a reward for our hard work and record sales for that week. We were able to order anything we wanted! We had a great time ate way too much food! It was nice to feel so appreciated. Well Christmas is finally over. Our youngest DS had a little 'toe-stubbing' accident Christmas night, and about tore the dang toenail off of his big toe! We thought his toe was broken at first. It bled, and bled, and once I got it cleaned up, I noticed thebase of the nail had come separated from the cuticle. EW and ouch! I decided not to take him to the ER. It wasn't broken, and couldn't be stitched. So he was laid up for four days with his bandaged foot elevated on the back of the couch or up on pillows in his room He was miserable, because he is such an active kid!! I felt so bad for him, it had to be painful!! He is better now..he finally got a shoe on it in time to go back to school. DH and I finally got our decorations put away yesterday, all TEN totes of them! During all of that mess...haha....we got a phone call from our son on his way home from school. He was calling to tell us that his windshield got hit by a rock off of a semi truck, and his windshield has two pits from it and it spider-webbed up from the bottom of the drivers' side of the window! He was upset about it, and his dad wasn't happy about it either.(DS's car is is pride and joy..he got lotsa car-goodies for Christmas) DH went to the truck stop where the trucker stopped for fuel (DS followed it there to get his info) and...well, tempers flared, tires spun, and the police called....and well, to make a long story short, the truck company nor the driver won't pay to fix it, and we only have liability insurance on the car, so we have to pay for it ourselves! Great way to start the new year, huh? I am calling for estimates today, looks like around $225-$285 for replacement. The really bad part of it, is that both DS of mine have birthdays this month. *sigh* money is tight already,being after Christmas and trying to make sure bills are getting paid. My hours at work are cut a little this time of year because it is usually slow. I know it will get better, but....hopefully it will be soon! well, I am rambling here....just needed to 'talk' to someone about it! I am off today and tomorrow, so I might have to scrap away the blues....:-) Happy New Year everyone!!!

Linda C

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Linda C
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Oh Linda, that is such a big bummer about the windshield! I cannot believe the company would not be responsible! They must not have insurance,which is strange since I am sure those kinds of accidents happen a lot. I am wishing you a better year this year and maybe all the bad stuff is out of the way! I started my 2006 of with a big fall! Fell right on my acetabulum, banged my shoulder and head on my desk and broke the floor lamp that I grabbed to try and stop falling....better the lamp than my hip, eh? Was a little addled, very sore and shaken up by that dumb trick. My resolution is to be more careful when I walk !!! Will stop chewing gum at the same time! LOL

Hugs, Sabrina

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Geeze Sabrina...what are you trying to do GF!!!!! Glad to hear you didn't do yourself a serious mischief.....only dented the pride a little!!!!! I did something similar on Christmas Day when I slipped on a damp kitchen floor which was damp from doggy footprints. Fortunately, I managed to manoeuvre so I landed on both knees...but I nearly did they splits in the process....LOL

Take care, Marilyn

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It is nice to feel appreciated! Glad sales were good for your business!!! Sooo sorry about the little one's toe, I hope it isn't feeling as bad, though good thing he could wear a shoe in time for school. (what a way to spend his break, laid up! : ( )

I understand about the windshield. I was hit by a rock the day after I just had the windshield replaced on my van. I was furious(kissed $400 good-bye!), but couldn't do anything about it. So I decided to leave it. The cracks don't interfer with driving. Two days later I was hit with several more rocks and now have bullseyes in several places, a small crack here, a small crack there. I refuse to replace the windshield until it's too dangerous to drive. Though it sounds like your DS needs his replaced. I sure feel for you!

I say go scrap away!! And enjoy your time off!

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Good griefus ladies! That is not the kind of start to the New Year I've been wishing you guys! Linda it really sucks that they won't pay! Glad the little one's toe is better. That sounds very painful. Hope the nail grown in right and that you don't end up having to take him in later. Wow Kenda, you've been hit too??? Is that the type of thing that you and Linda could take to small claims?

Sabrina, dear heart, I am so glad that you didn't hurt yourself too much. Sounds like it was a pretty nasty fall! As for you bonny Marilyn, glad to know that you are still that limber!

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Sorry to hear about your "not so happy" start to the New Year Linda. Glad that little one's toe is better now, although I'm sure he hated missing out on his last few days of holidays!! That windshield incident really bums. Money being tight, I hear ya!! Here's hoping that things improve for you guys soon. I agree, go and get some scrappin therapy - works wonders!!

luv Cec...xxx

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Sabrina, I'm glad that you are ok, that sounds like a real nasty fall. You're right about the lamp being better than your hip!! The lamp is much easier to replace!! Please take care, luv Cec...xxx

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Gosh, all these falls, what's going on?? Glad that you are ok too Marilyn. Trying to do the highland fling in the kitchen huh?? Well please take care!! luv Cec...xxx

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Sabrina, I am glad you are ok, and yes a broken lamp is much better than a hip! yikes! The police officer told DS that since there was no way to "prove" that the rock came from that truck, that they didnt have to pay for the winshield. I know they have insurance, and I even asked our insurance guy, and he said basically the same thing. I think the hassle of arguing with the truck company isn't worth it. Linda c

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Linda C

Thanks for being there Cec!

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Linda C

Thanks Kenda! I guess I should feel lucky that it wont be as expensive as yours was! wow! He will have to live with it too until we can do something about it! Maybe in Feb. things will be better! Linda

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Linda C

M-C thanks for your concern, but I dont want to mess with taking it to court. I think maybe in a couple of weeks or even in Feb we should be able to get it taken care of. Yeah it sucks!!! I am kind of worried too, about the possiblility of the nail falling off and having to take him anyway. We will have to just wait and see how it heals! He is much better, and is running and jumping, i just told him NO KICKING! lol


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Linda C

That's why I've decided to live with it! It's been since August/Sept 2004. I figure a few more hits and it will be a gonner. I would like to have a new one. I suppose if the windshield were smaller it would cost less....Good luck!

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Thanks for the catchup. Great news that your bakery did such a great job during the holidays. I bet things will pick up before Valentine's day. Your poor son. Mine just ripped his toenail half off with his sock in November and his toe got infected. You might want to get some epsom salts if it starts looking red. Doctor suggested my son soak his foot 3 times a day and keep his toenails really clean by using a nail brush on them. It cleared up.

Thank goodness and knock on wood there were no falls over here and glad to hear you ladies are OK. I had a fall about 3 years ago. I was heading backwards towards the bathroom counter and sink and I didn't want to hit my head. So, I curled up into a ball as I fell and landed on a big Costco bag of toilet paper we had bought the day before and hadn't put away. I squashed every damn one, but it broke my fall and I got teased about these lopsided rolls of TP for months. :P


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King's Crown

M-C....I can only say that it is the Pilates & XL glider that has helped! In the past the least slip would have left me achy and sore for days. The last slip on a wet floor left me with lower back pain for three weeks and I didn't hit the floor. Even although I actually was floored and ended up on my butt.... I suffered no effect other than the slight stub of the big toe on the kitchen cabinets and a dent in my pride. I was just glad there was no camera around...I must have looked a sight...ROFL I was grasping my Il Divo cd as if it was made of glass....didn't drop these gorgeous guys either :o) LOL

Take care, Marilyn

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LOL........more like Miss Piggy on ice Cec :o)

Take care, Marilyn

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lol... too funny!! luv Cec...xxx

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LOL Marilyn, We are learning some smooth moves alright . I hope your knees are feeling better. We now know we are not Weebles ,we wooble and we DO fall down ! LOL

Hugs, Sabrina

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Goodnees gracious! Between Linda, Sabrina & Marilyn, I think we've had an eventful start to a New Year. Probably too eventful! Linda, that's a bummer about the windshield. Hopefully the windshield will hang in there until it can be replaced. DH has a crack practically all the way across the windshield of the car (aka "the rolling death trap" as he calls it LOL). It's been there for I don't know how long, and at this point I even wonder if it's worth replacing. LOL Sabrina & Marilyn, what are you two trying to do? If you want to dance, just put some music on and groove. :-) But I'm glad you two are ok and nothing got seriously hurt.

It's actually been fairly UNeventful here, though. Whew! Just been busy. Now that the kids are back in school, it's getting back to normal here. Whatever "normal" is! LOL

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Deb in AR

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Linda C

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