OT: Hurricane Katrina

I am afraid that my attention has been on the TV the last few days. My husband was born and raised in Gulfport, MS. In fact we were married in my mother-in-laws back yard. Fortunately her mother was in NC when Katrina hit as I believe was his uncle and his family. However that means that we have no way of knowing how her house, where we spend every Christmas, has fared. It is within the heavily affected ares, but we won't know for a while how things turned out. We know that the area in Biloxi where his granfather built his home, which the family sold last year after Rick's grandfather passed, is in an area where everything was flattened. One of his former neighbors was on the news this morning saying that she could find no sign of her house, her car or the trees that were in her yard. NO TRACE! Unimaginable! We used to pick a different casino or hotel to stay in every Christmas, the Beau Rivage, The Grand where we spent our wedding night and spent Christmas a couple of years ago. The Beaurivage had water up into it's second floor from the storm surge. The first floor had ceilings that were at least 20 ft high! It's hard to believe! They say the storm surge was

32 ft high! They are saying that nothing really remains on the beach. I guess that means the Comfort Inn we stayed in last Christmas is gone too. I saw pictures of a home where my MIL's friend lived, I drove there with her once as she was droping something off, it looked like only the front porch columns were left. I am stunned and feel so very sad. I can't imagine how worried my MIL is about all her friends and about her home. We were on the phone last night trying to convince her not to try to go back right away.

I hope that you will all consider the people in New Orleans (NO) where the water is rising and they don't seem to know why, those living in the little towns between NO and Gulfport that they haven't even been able to get to yet and those right along the coast all the way to Mobile. Keep them in your thoughts and prayers and if you can, donate this month's scrapbooking budget to the red cross or check with your church to see what they are doing to help out..

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click on National Disaster Relief Fund My thoughts and prayers are also with all those who are still in Katrina's path. Please stay dry, stay safe!

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I've checked the news every chance I get - I don't want the tv on when the children are in the room. A disaster like this is one their parents need to sit with them to watch so they can explain what has happened. My exSIL is safe, though very shook-up. I've never been to New Orleans, but my DH and I were just discussing last week about making plans to go there when the younger ones are a little older (so we could leave them behind with their older siblings). We've never taken a trip together without children. Everytime I look, the number of fatalities rise. I'm sure with type of disaster it will take quite some time to figure who, where, and how many......... I remember our tornado and the amount of damage involved here, and can't even imagine the magnitude there. A friend of mine here lost almost everything she owned. What she did find after the tornado (all over the neighborhood) fit in one moving box. There are thousands of families who won't find even that much there. Sandy

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Our phone lines have been out, including cell phone lines. My husband's children live in one of the hardest hit areas (Metairie, LA). I know they were out of town at the time (they are younger and live with their mother), but I have a feeling that they have not only lost their home, but that the schools are underwater as well. It is hard not knowing if they are fine since we cannot get in touch with them or even know for sure where they are. They are saying that it could take as long as a month for power to be restored in some areas. This will probably mean that, even if they do manage to get home, it will take a long time until life returns to "normal" and that the kids can get back into school.

We didn't have a lot of damage here in Baton Rouge, certainly not nearly to the extent of the New Orlean area. The only problems I had personally were trees limbs and leaves littering the lawn and some of my mobile home skirting came loose and had to be replaced. We also lost power for a while and of course, we still do not have phones. (Thank goodness for cable Internet!) There was more damage around the city. We feel blessed that we were spared but our hearts go out to everyone there. This disaster not only affects the people living there, but it also affects our state.


Sandy wrote:

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Selena, if there is anyone that you want me to try calling, just send me the number and I'll email you back.


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I've watched a little bit of it on TV.. Its devastating. Prayers being said for everyone.

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Thanks M-C. It is so very kind of you to offer. Fortunately, I will not need you to do that. The cell phone did just start working, so we were able to get in touch with my step-children. It certainly put our minds at rest. They are in Dallas, so well out of harm's way. I'm not sure how much of the New Orleans devastation is being shown on the news there. I think their mom thought that they would be able to come home really soon, but I don't think they will be let in for at least a week or so. Their area is completely underwater. Time will tell.

Apparently, there is still quite a lot of places in Baton Rouge without power. I received an e-mail from the school system that due to power outages and damage, schools will continue to be closed tomorrow. I hope it isn't much longer than that, as it already means we will have 2 days to make up in our calendar (not to mention that tomorrow was to be my first pay day this year!).


M-C wrote:

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What a disaster, prayers being said for DH children and everyone. So glad you all are safe

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I have friends in Baton Rouge that have 13 people staying with them from New Orleans. Most of them have lost everything.. alot of them have water up to the roofs of their houses from what they can see from pictures on tv... that and no electric and one of them has breathing problems and needs machinery... they have a generator but limited fuel... they are siphoning from all the cars... pray for everyone please...

M-C if you haven't gotten everything for my box this next month, please donate to the Red Cross instead in my name. I'm blessed to have a roof over my head. Some people have lost everything.

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That is a good idea RJ and please feel free to do the same!

Having been through floods and fires myself, I feel so, so sorry for all these people. I personally know how devastating it is to lose your home and all your memories and belongings. I just got an email from my MIL. She still doesn't know about her house but she has heard that many of her friends suffered a total loss. I will be going down to Gulfport to help her out as soon as she can get back down there safely and of course, assuming that there is still a house left to clean out. According to the news and what I have seen, there is not a whole lot left in the area where her house was. I am praying that it's not all gone and that she will not find out that she has lost some of her friends.


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Well I've spent way day I didn't spend at the dentist (root canal in a few days now.. UGH)... making phone calls. I've accquired 2 53 foot tractor trailers with drivers. I just need stuff to fill them and donations to fill the fuel tanks. I'm going to set up a bank fund at a local bank (yet more phone calls) to do that and work on the news stations here. Our local Red Cross isn't accepting food and water and toiletries donations so I will. I'm looking to park these trucks somewhere (working on that and have a few calls out) and we want to fill them to the brim with water and canned food and toiletries and cleaning supplies! What people DO have houses have alot of mess and alot of people are scared of west nile so we need deet and OFF stuff too....

has anyone organized something like this? I know I can do it.. just so much to do! My church is going to probably donate some funds for fuel, and our one offspring ministry has connections to big food corporations so we are going to explore that tomorrow. In a week I'd like to have those trucks full and on their way.

M-C.. I have unlimited long distance .. if you want to call me and I can call you back whereever you are to give us updates I can type really fast and I'll post on the group. If there is anything we can do to help, let me know.

I've returned my new QK font and I'm getting a MO tomorrow. This is SO much more important than anything else. Hubby and I have decided this week will be a hotdog and toasted cheese week and we are going to donate what we usually spend on food also. For those of you who don't have much.. neither do we.. I saved up for that font, but peoples LIVES are at stake here. Yes, many have died but the diseases and problems upcoming can be just as lethal. The very water in those houses is polluted with chemicals and things we know nothing about. Please consider giving a tithe portion to the American Red Cross or to any other organization trying to help. My efforts will be taking food to a main distribution center north of Baton Rouge where the Red Cross is getting ready to stage shipments.

Also, if you are a registered nurse or LPN and retired or can take vacation... they need you BADLY. Many hospitals have had to relocate to regional hospitals and schools. They are very short of staff. They also need EMT's, Firepeople, and Ham Radio Operators.

May God have mercy on the South and if you believe in a higher power, please Pray!

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First of all, Selena I am so happy to see you here and to hear you have minimal problems there.

I do not have any premium tv, only antenna so only get teh local news and evening national news. I skipped back and forth to the three networks and am so blown away at the devastation that we, now in this generation(s) have witnessed. It is so sad and it really made me stop an think tonite that I amtruly blessed and thankful for what I have where now so many have NOTHING. Yes it looks like the tsumani back in Dec in Idonesia.

That made me also think and even talking to several on the phone this evenig, Iwonder and would like to see/hear if there is any other country that comes forward and offers any great aid or asistance as we do literally everywhere, everytime disasters like this occurs. It is so heartbreaking to me.

My thoughts and prayers are with those there that have more so lost family and friends and especially with people in the group who knows or has people down there. I can not envision the devastation as MANY of those places in just the past couple years I have been there or thru them. WOW is all I can think of.

As for donating I have thought of that too and even soething too. I want to contact credit card companies and make a proposal to them, like people that send in extra to them o payments for one month, asl those peopel if they would consider donating that "extra" payment to a relief fund of victims that have accounts. Does that make sense? Anyhow Iwant to do some online searchs to see how or if I can come up with some phone numbers or email addresses of leading credit card companies, like he ones I have.

So I guess that I have rambled on and again, my prayers are with all affected, and literally that is going to be ALL of us in some way or other directly or not.

45 for 05 4 cards 1 swap of 13 pages

OKC Dave

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OKC Dave

You are doing a wonderful thing...see if you can get the church preschools involved...the parents of the little ones are usually gung ho to help out...also the local elementary schools may wish to hold a drive too. Good luck, I know you can get those trucks filled!


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I am on hold until my mother in law gets the all clear. With the looting going on, Rick really wants her to wait till civil order can be restored as well as the electricity and water. Looters are not the nicest of people and he is quite concerned for her safety if she goes back to quickly. I will let you know if (she has to have a house left) and when I can go.


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I pray all goes well. Just be safe... call me when you need to okie?

I know I'd personally be in that house with my dog and my shotgun. But that's me.. :D

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Please pray for my family. I have not heard from my father, siblings, aunts uncles, anyone. They are in LA and MS. I am hoping to hear from someone back there. I am grateful to hear from Selena as my father is in Baton Rouge. I know we have great loss but we also have two miracles. My step grandfather had quadruple bipass surgery last week and has been staying with my father in BR. A blessing as his residences are New Orleans LA and Bay St. Louis MS, both flooded. Bay St. Louis as I've heard, is gone. His house, which we've spent every Christmas and summer at was across the street from the bay, walking distance from the gulf beaches. So we've lost at least one house. However, for me, the miracle is even bigger. If not for that surgery, my 10-year-old son Dane was supposed to be back there this last week and this week. We were all disappointed that his trip had to be cancelled due to Pops surgery. And now we feel such gratitude (amidst fear and sadness) that Dane is safe, God intervened in our plans to keep him safe. Please pray for my family. I imagine I will be the contact able to connect my families members as I am on the West Coast and our Large Family is all over MS and LA. Thank you for your thoughts and prayers. If I'm not too active it is for these reasons.

Melissa in Seattle

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We are praying for all of the people that have been devastated by this latest act of nature. I am so grateful for all of you who live in the area that were spared . My heart goes out to the families that lost everything and loved ones.

Hugs, Sabrina in Kentucky

Brain cells come and brain cells go.... but fat cells go on forever

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Thoughts and prayers are with you and your family, Melissa. Hope you hear something soon. Sandy

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I pray that you hear from your family members soon. You are right that it is a miracle that Dane's trip was postponed. I hope that your step-grandfather is recuperating well and that the news of what may have happened to his home will be kept from him until he can feel better.



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Oh goodness.. Prayers being said.

Thank goodness God Intervened.

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My prayers are with you all. I hope you all hear from your loved one soon.

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