OT My oldest is flying the coop! :-(

The time has finally arrived. Our oldest DS is moving out. He is 19, works full time + overtime, and is a volunteer firefighter in his spare time. He is moving in with a friend ( a girl!), but they are just roomies with separate bedrooms and bathrooms of their own! We got to check out their place today, and its nice and clean, and in a decent neighborhood. We haven't had any problems with him or anything like that, he just wants to have his own place. His brother will miss him, even though he is ecstatic about finally having his own room. He is already planning how to move the furniture! I am glad for him, but on the other hand it will be different not seeing him around home as much. I am sure he will be home to use the computer, or mooch some meals..LOL So, I have been trying to juggle my job, doing extra cakes at home for extra money, getting young DS to baseball practice, and getting some household things together for Ryan to start out with, and I am doing some spring cleaning while I am at it! Whew am i tired!

I have six of my April CCC cards made, I made myself a goal of ten. I may only get six done this month, but I still have a few days left! I will post pics when I get them done!


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Linda C
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Sounds like some changes for Mom. I remember when my first one moved out, then the second one followed a few months later. It was so strange not having them at home. When oldest DS moved out it was still in the same town. When oldest DD moved out it was to another state.


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My son is nearly 17 and looking so grown up. I'm just dreading the day he leaves home. I keep it to myself and encourage him in what ever he does. I can't remember the quote exactly, but it said something like motherhood is the only job when done right she's laid off. So you should be proud of a job well done. He'll still be calling needing advice I'm sure. You'll be on to a new chapter of motherhood with your son.


PS 6 cards still qualifies for the challenge. You only need to make 3 or more a month and try and meet your own personal challenge. Life does get in the way when one is trying to make Christmas cards. :)

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King's Crown

Such a big milestone and such mixed feelings for the mom! It is something we prepare our kids for, all the while both hoping and dreading the day it happens. Sounds like you've done a great job raising your DS and like you've been really busy!!!

Everytime I see my DS I realize how fast times flies by!


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I'm sure this is a time of mixed emotions for you! I don't have any words of wisdom for you as I hopefully have a few years left before I face this one Emilee's 9 and Catherine's 4. You'll be able to give me words of wisdom when my time comes! Good luck with everything! Barb:o)

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Linda my thoughts are with you. It is hard when a child moves out even if it's only for a few years, as in our case. I'm sure he will be home often for some of Mom's cooking.

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Thanks for the encouragement from everyone! His independence from us will take some getting used to. I told him I want to help him paint, and he said he wants to do it himself. I have been giving him this and that household stuff, and he says, oh, I can get that myself.. Well OK then!! He still has to get his mailing address changed, and all that stuff. His brother is actually helping him get stuff sorted out of their room....he's not pushing him out, is he? haha!


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Linda C

You know Linda my son painted his room last summer and wanted to do it by himself. It was a little freaky considering the room was still in my house. BUT I let him do it. He had a friend over and yeah they got paint on the carpet (which really freaked my DH). They did try and clean it up and did a pretty good job.

That part of independence was actually quite nice. Not having to do any painting. Then he and his friend cooked dinner for all of us that night. Man to be young and have that much energy!


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King's Crown

I admire your ability to be accepting of this. My 21 year old wanted to move out and move in with his girlfriend and I nearly had a stroke but I was able to talk him out of it. He flew to SC last month to see a new girlfriend and arranged everything himself and I thought for sure he would have screwed up the reservation or the limo service, or get on the wrong plane, then I had a panic attack when he told me it wasn't a direct flight...oh no, he is not going to be able to find where he has to go and get stranded in NC. In my defense this is the same young man who can't remember that Mon and Thurs are trash nights or that dishes go into the dishwasher LOL.

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Scout Lady

LOL Linda...mamma bird needs to let baby bird test his wings! :)

Have faith you have taught him well and let him grow in self confidence and independence. It is the natural order of things!

I had to laugh about brother's reaction...hehehe....he is not pushing him out but he will have mixed feelings about the move. Yay...he gets the room when bro' leaves but he will also miss his company too. The boys "doing it together" stuff will help them to develop a new sort of relationship! I bet a month ago if either brother touch the other's stuff there would have been much aggravation. Been there and got the tee-shirt :)

Chin up, Marilyn (who's birds have all flown the nest)

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