Do we have any travel agents here? - OT

CRAP!!! Wouldn't you know that one of the messages that didn't come through for me was Tink's about her doctor visit. Can someone reiterate? Thanks!

Carol in SLC My newest creation (11/28):

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Carol in SLC
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vj found this in rec.crafts.beads, from snipped-for-privacy@aol.comnospam (Carol in SLC) :

]Someone wrote a book about how he became a millionare by doing a few little ]things -- this was one of them, LOL. Some of his bills were contested, but he ]ultimately won in small claims court.

that was one of my dad's favorites. i'll bet he read the book.

----------- @vicki [SnuggleWench] (Books)

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----------- It's not what you take, when you leave this world behind you; it's what you leave behind you when you go. -- Randy Travis

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vj found this in rec.crafts.beads, from snipped-for-privacy@aol.comnospam (Carol in SLC) :

]CRAP!!! Wouldn't you know that one of the messages that didn't come through ]for me was Tink's about her doctor visit. Can someone reiterate? Thanks!

So I get to the office and I am the ONLY ONE in the waiting room. I check in. I wait. The woman at the desk calls me over and nags me about an overdue bill. I tell her she's nuts. Pretty much in those words, too. We have a PPO and a $15 copay. She's waxing psychotic over a $222 balance. I tell her she's gonna have to figure it out because I have every receipt from every visit for the last five years in my purse because I know how skanky their bookkeeping is. LOL!

She glares. She pokes the receipts. She grumbles. I look at her face and see that the muscles in her face are in a permanent frown position. I wonder if the smile muscles have atrophied. She wants me to leave the receipts with her. I laugh. She says she needs them. I say I need them more and she can make copies while I watch, if she likes. She says she doesn't have time for that. I say I don't have time to wait around for a supposedly double-booked doctor, but that we all do what we must.

I gather up my receipts, shove them in my Beadgirl bag :-) and start reading a magazine article about which young stars have had plastic surgery.

Amazingly, my name is called. I go back. Get weighed (ugh.). The nurse talks to me, then scolds me about not calling 911. She does an EKG. Doc comes in mere minutes later. I do love the doc, and that's why I put up with his antediluvian office protocol.

He scolds me, then says we're going to do a chest x-ray to rule out blood clots in my lungs or something. Then he says I need to see a cardiologist ASAP. He faxes the consult request to them while I wait. He tells me to take it easy. "No. Seriously Deb. I mean take it easy. Not YOUR version of take it easy. I mean really take it easy, ok?"

I get my flu shot. He writes me up some Rx refills and a couple of new ones. Tells me to quit smoking. Again. We set a follow-up appointment for the 16th.

And that is all I know. That and the fact that I am really glad to be home.

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then choose whether or not to "inload" the memories of the ditto's brief life.<

I'm not much of a sci-fi reader, but *this* one sounds GREAT!! Have you read it, Vicki?

Carol in SLC My newest creation (11/28):

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Carol in SLC

vj found this in rec.crafts.beads, from snipped-for-privacy@aol.comnospam (Carol in SLC) :

]I'm not much of a sci-fi reader, but *this* one sounds GREAT!! Have you read ]it, Vicki?

no - but i emailed the info to David to check out for the database.

most people in RAM [not all] didn't like Divinci Code [notably because of so many errors they picked up on].

----------- @vicki [SnuggleWench] (Books)

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----------- It's not what you take, when you leave this world behind you; it's what you leave behind you when you go. -- Randy Travis

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Yeah... I told the nurse about the response I got from the phone-answering-woman. She rolled her eyes and said, "When this happens again, and it probably will, call 911. Do NOT try to drive yourself. Do NOT call a friend to take you. Call 911."

The cardiologist appointment is Thursday December 18th at 9 AM. Which, as I understand it, is quite quickly for a specialist appointment. Around here, at least.

I didn't specifically ask what the EKG said. I probably should have, but 1) I assumed that if it was important the doc would tell me and B) I was afraid to know. LOL! I've been told NO exercise until after I go to the cardiologist, including no taking the dog for walks and no shopping trips. I'm supposed to stay home, relax and try to avoid driving if at all possible.

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vj found this in rec.crafts.beads, from "Tink" :

]She rolled her eyes and said, "When this happens ]again, and it probably will, call 911. Do NOT try to drive yourself. Do NOT ]call a friend to take you. Call 911."


]I've been told NO exercise until after I go to the ]cardiologist, including no taking the dog for walks and no shopping trips. ]I'm supposed to stay home, relax and try to avoid driving if at all ]possible.

GOOD! i, for one, hope you listened!!! that probably means staying away from the torch, too, which might give my checkbook time to catch up, once Nicole is done playing with it.

want me to send you reading material????

----------- @vicki [SnuggleWench] (Books)

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----------- It's not what you take, when you leave this world behind you; it's what you leave behind you when you go. -- Randy Travis

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I can torch as long as I'm not here alone. I rarely torch when I'm here alone anyway. LOL! I'm a night-grrl.

Hey, I'll ALWAYS take reading material! I splurged tonight and got Angels and Demons...

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On Wed, 3 Dec 2003 20:50:03 -0500, Tink wrote (in message ):

Hey, I didn't know that you see my doctor! I hear that one all the time.

Yep, that's pretty quick.

Did you specifically ask about the wisdom of melting things? I know you didn't, because you don't want to take the chance that the doctor will say that you can't. (I know that trick, too. Unfortunately, Bob knows the trick as well)

I know that we cannot stop you from making beads altogether, but please don't organize the room, lift/sort/do anything with all those glass rods or do anything that you shouldn't. If you have a question about what is advisable, think: "What Would KathyNV Do?"

Then do the exact opposite. You'll stay much healthier that way.


Kathy N-V

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Kathy N-V

vj found this in rec.crafts.beads, from "Tink" :

]Hey, I'll ALWAYS take reading material! I splurged tonight and got Angels ]and Demons...

e-mail me with what you specifically like. i'm getting another post office run ready . . .

----------- @vicki [SnuggleWench] (Books)

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----------- It's not what you take, when you leave this world behind you; it's what you leave behind you when you go. -- Randy Travis

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vj found this in rec.crafts.beads, from Kathy N-V :

]"What Would KathyNV Do?" ] ]Then do the exact opposite. You'll stay much healthier that way.


----------- @vicki [SnuggleWench] (Books)

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----------- It's not what you take, when you leave this world behind you; it's what you leave behind you when you go. -- Randy Travis

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What the heck do >>I

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Black Cat Beads

vj found this in rec.crafts.beads, from "Black Cat Beads" :

]What the heck do >>I

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No kidding?? That never even occurred to me. How do you approach it? Do tell! We want to fly the whole family back east next year.>

I call and am straight up. Plan far enough in advance you can get the lower rates (last minute tickets are always a premium, especially at holidays--- so if you are talking this year - too late. If talking next year -- buy NOW ... because rates usually go up anyway, and buying now locks in the rate.) Also - you need to be a little flexible... I tell them approximately when I want to leave, and from where - and when I want to return. I'm willing to take the 'strange" flights -- i.e. redeye - or late night, instead of peak travel hours. Plan on travelling on an OFF day (not monday or Friday). be open minded.... really - especially about day and time of travel. I always tell them I limit to one change over, and no small aircraft (but that is my personal thing..... if you can stand small hop planes - the prices go down even more). Tell the person you need five tickets and are looking for the best price -- remember the will most likely be "non refundable. also ASK if they have any discounts for membership in things - like AAA, AARP, or anything else.... people rarely ask - but there are often discounts. ALSO tell them you are shopping for the best price and write down EVERYTHING they tell you - date, time, flight number and the price you are cited (ask for their name or how you can get back with the person you are dealing with......) Then - repeat at another airline....

just go for it -- the only thing you can loose is time if you can't find the right deal for you. I know that when I tried several online for a trip I knew I wanted to take - none of the online were even close to the rate I chased down on the telephone direct with the airline...

Cheryl of DRAGON BEADS Flameworked beads and glass

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Cheryl of DRAGON BEADS Flameworked beads and glass

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none of the online were even close to the rate I chased down on the telephone direct with the airline...<

Sometimes, becoming frequent flyers with a particular airline (especially if they have a hub nearby) can be beneficial, too. We're FF's for AmericaWest, and though I still haven't forgiven them for losing our bags last summer, I have to say they're a basically good airline. When I booked our Xmas tickets last week, I got a discount for Mike as a senior and a discount for one of the kids tickets on their "companion" offer. $55 off for each discount. Not huge but it completely offset all the fees and taxes.

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Do It, Tink. Sarajane

Sarajane's Polymer Clay Gallery

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