Help needed from other lampworkers -

I need some help - big time. Problem: customer wants red spacer beads to go with her lampwork order.

Solution? I order Effetre 432 (med red) - from Arrow Springs stuff comes - beautiful color in the rod.

BIGGER problem: make beads

- they turn UGLY brown (color of 448)!!!

(email Arrow springs about problem - get no response - call AS -- get no response)

Solution ? order 432 from someplace else? Frantz -- Stuff arrives - it's orange, not red. Make beads - turns redder - but still orange -- also - some of it strikes brown - just like the other stuff. AND color is inconsistent... no two beads "match" and definitely not "scarlet red" that customer wants...

HELP!!!!! anybody have "old stock" 432 that does not turn brown - but stays a nice "valentine red" or at least a nice scarlet red - when made into beads?

Willing to pay - will buy up to one pound (need at least 1/4 pound).


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Unfortunately, that has happened to me as well - so it's really hard these days to figure out which red is which. And the one I have seems to intermittently strike red or brown. Have you tried dark red 436? Or Lauscha cherry red is a good one too.

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Kandice Seeber

Or try Uroboros Cherry opal red (I think it's called) - it stays nicely red. Kalera carries it. :-)

Karin (don't reply to this address, it's only for posting)

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Kandice - Thanks - - glad I am not "crazy" and this happened to someone else! I think the dark red will be too dark.

Arrow Springs claims they never heard of it.... and that their stock does not do it... Karen has 5 year old 432 (back when it was good) and is selling me some. That will get me through... since I only need about 2 dozen spacers - hopefully.

Arrow Spr> Unfortunately, that has happened to me as well - so it's really hard these

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