JC - You rock! BFNR and a cosmic kick in the...

Standing in my poor little house, while a wonderful sweet man from FEMA took pictures of the damage, the mailman hollered at me from the front porch and handed me a package. Now, I haven't even been home to order beads to my old address and the mailman even made a joke about me still getting 'stuff' when I can't even live there.

Like I said.... JC you rock!!! The most beautiful little ghostly pumpkins. I lost my glasses but even without them I KNEW them... had seen pictures of pumpkins just like them!!! Ok, so I started sobbing when I held them. But it was such a good... no, great cry.

(And, after I stopped blubbering, the FEMA man wanted to see them and was totally impressed that anyone could 'make' something like that! HA If he only knew!)

Thank you so much... it was a awesome bright spotlight in a pretty dark day. I've been keeping a good attitude but today it kind of all fell in when I had to start moving the remainder of my things out of the house. It was just the kick I needed to get back on track and get on with it!

big *huge* enormous hugs!!!!!

ok... now I am blubbering again...

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Polly S.
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How cool, Polly!

And of course, JC has a heart the size of the great outdoors.


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That's fantastic!!!! You made my morning, Polly! I had wondered if you would get those or not...

I feel your hugs and give you 1000 in return!

Love! JC

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JC Herrell

When I finally found my glasses I had to laugh at what you wrote on the back of the envelope. "What the ...?" lol Thats what I said!!!

Pumpkin love... (the ideas are already percolating!) :)

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Polly S.

What a wonderful present from JC!! I am so glad you got some more brightness in the midst of the hard days :D

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LOL!!! I thought you might giggle at that. VERY glad for my package's timing! Trusty little mail system...

Pura vida, JC

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JC Herrell

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