Kathy N-V

how are you feeling? are things getting better?????

----------- @vicki [SnuggleWench] (Books)

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----------- It's not what you take, when you leave this world behind you; it's what you leave behind you when you go. -- Randy Travis

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On Tue, 16 Dec 2003 6:23:22 -0500, vj wrote (in message ):

Things are about the same. On Thursday, I go back to the pulmonologist to start infusion treatment, although I don't know yet if it's going to be the expensive treatment with fewer side effects, or the modified chemo. I'm obviously hoping for the former.

Right now, that isn't my biggest worry, or even on my radar screen. My DD is quite ill with what is at least bronchitis. (I know lung sounds like other people know top 40 hits) Poor kid went to bed at 7 p.m. last night, but kept getting up to cough and wheeze. We ended up watching the "Survivor" reunion show in the middle of the night, while I plied her with hot tea.

If this turns out to be the flu or something else that's dangerous to me, I'm getting packed off to my mother's house, while Bob will take care of DD. I hate the idea of being away from my family, but whatever infusion treatment I end up with will make me very susceptible to germs, and with a weakened immune system. Bleh.

On an up note, Sophie the dog seems to be completely recovered from her surgery. She's eating kibble and tearing Kleenex like an old pro. She still has that eye stitched, so she'll have to wear the elizabethan collar until Friday, when the stitches get removed. Oddly enough, Sophie doesn't seem to even notice the cone, except that she bashes into everything.

A further bit of good news is that my Oma is recovering at home. She still sounds weak on the phone, but is showing sparks of her fiesty spirit. I got an earful for "spending too much" when I sent flowers for her birthday two weeks ago. (Like I wouldn't send a gift to my own grandmother for her birthday!) But even though she was chewing me out, it was wonderful to speak with my Oma.

Since DD wants her Mama to be right there with her, I've been beading like mad while we watch DVDs until my head explodes. (I'm not big on watching television, especially kids' shows) We did watch "Pirates of the Carribean" the other night, which was surprisingly good. Beadwise, I'm not doing anything complicated, but it keeps my hands busy and will provide loads of little gifts for the holidays.

That's all that's happening here, and I hope that everything is healthy and happy in your house.

Kathy N-V

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Kathy N-V

vj found this in rec.crafts.beads, from Kathy N-V :

]Things are about the same. On Thursday, I go back to the pulmonologist to ]start infusion treatment, although I don't know yet if it's going to be the ]expensive treatment with fewer side effects, or the modified chemo. I'm ]obviously hoping for the former.

well, i'll keep you in my prayers for the best possible outcome!

]Right now, that isn't my biggest worry, or even on my radar screen. My DD is ]quite ill with what is at least bronchitis. (I know lung sounds like other ]people know top 40 hits) Poor kid went to bed at 7 p.m. last night, but kept ]getting up to cough and wheeze. We ended up watching the "Survivor" reunion ]show in the middle of the night, while I plied her with hot tea. ] ]If this turns out to be the flu or something else that's dangerous to me, I'm ]getting packed off to my mother's house, while Bob will take care of DD. I ]hate the idea of being away from my family, but whatever infusion treatment I ]end up with will make me very susceptible to germs, and with a weakened ]immune system. Bleh.

Bleh is right! poor baby! please do what is best for your health!

]But even though she was chewing me out, it was wonderful to speak ]with my Oma.

**grin** seconded! so glad you DID get to talk to her and that she is doing better!

and, of course, Sophie, too!

hang in there!!!!! and thanks for the quick answer!

----------- @vicki [SnuggleWench] (Books)

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----------- It's not what you take, when you leave this world behind you; it's what you leave behind you when you go. -- Randy Travis

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Eat lots of garlic if you can, Kathy, and feed it to your DD in soup or on toast...we have the flu/chest thing here too, everyone seems to have one or the other or both. I've made hot soup for the folks that live here and all the ones that just come by too---on the menu today is spicy turkey dahl with split peas and curry powder and of course garlic and onions!!

We watched the Pirates of the C. movie last week---a very good romp in the land of Mousemovies, and Johnny Depp is wonderfully watchable in ANYthing...He played it like Keith Richards from the Rolling Stones in a very big way. Sarajane

Sarajane's Polymer Clay Gallery

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Hope she's feeling better really soon!!

surgery. <


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