OT - court day today!

Well, it seemed to go well. Informal meeting. No major problems. No one was drug out kicking and screaming. If nothing new comes up, we go through their little programs (signed up for parenting classes at the end of Sept) and in general we work with them, this will all be resolved and that'll be the end of it. We're such BAD people! (NOT!) So, everyone that was holding their breath, waiting for the other shoe to drop, relax. I think there IS a light at the end of the tunnel. And thank you all for your support and being there for me and mine.

See, sometimes being under scrutiny isn't such a bad thing. My theory is it's better that they look into as much as possible and not take the chance of missing something. To check and find nothing (or in our case a little light work) is much better to not check and miss something BIG. We've all heard the horror stories from both sides.

BTW, still looking for a house. Got a feeling this is going to take a while. They're either too expensive, don't take HUD, I wouldn't live there if you paid me, just not there or some other thing. What I wouldn't give to be independantly wealthy right about now and be able to build what we need where I want it!!

Good luck to everyone that needs it (I figure if I give it to you, it'll boomarang back to me, right?) I know I'm not the only one with problems right now. And hugs to all!


Helen C

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Helen C
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What a great idea! Consider yourself hugged right back!

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JoAnn Paules

I'm glad to hear that. I will still keep you in my prayers.

I'm working my way thru washing the kids clothes I just got so I can send them this weekend or beginning of next week.

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Deborah Barilleaux

I'm so pleased and relieved with you.

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I'm happy to hear that it went so well, Helen. I think you have the perfect attitude. The more it's fought the worse it can get!

I know it's hard to find just the right place. I also know you'll eventually find it. How do I know, you ask? Because I'm vibing you darling! :=)

Helen, I have an unrelated question for you. If I send you the clean clothes for the kidlets are you going to rewash them? Dh has forgotten the box everyday this week (Monday he'll have to trip over it to get out the door!) and I thought because the clothes were up in the attic that I should wash them for you and save you trouble. BUT, if you're going to rewash the clothes then I won't bother with the laundry. Let me know.

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Either way you want to do it. Clean, dirty. Depends on the condition. Have the washer and dryer so it's no big deal. As long as they're not grungy/dirty (can you say ewwwww?) I have no problem. And thanks for the vibes. Right back atcha!

Think it's time to take a beady break. Working on a dolphin lighter and it's proving to be quite a nemisis. I'll start a new thread, screw up in the first row or two and not notice till about 10 rows later. So have to rip it all out, reanchor the thread and do it all over again. I'll be happy when this one is done! (Has anyone ever had a project like this that just didn't flow right?)


Helen C

reply to > Margie

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Helen C


All last night I tried to do beading--various things--and nothing was coming out right. I kept trying to make the flap for an amulet bag--couldn't do it, and I *know* how to do! Gave that up and decided to start on a bracelet for Jalynne's daughter. A simple narow peyote band worked in pink and purple flowers. Could I do that? Nope--I (for the first time ever) ran into trouble with my first two rows twisting when I was trying to add the third. So I set that aside too. Next, I decided I'd give my brand new needle case a go. I wanted to 3 drop netting around it, and thought I could still recall the way to do that. Well, silly me--I know how to do flat, but not tubular. I figured it couldn't be that hard, after all, tubular peyote is easier than flat peyote, so why couldn't that apply here? Nope, no good, had to rip it out 4 times before I finally searched out a tutorial (thank you Aleen Hardin!) and got it right. (And it is esier, I was just too headachy to figure it out on my own)

So yeah, I know all about the whole projects not working thing. I'm sorry yours was giving you trouble, Helen.

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Lol! Bizare! But it might be fun for a practical joke!


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