OT: Health Issues and an Update

Note: Long and whiny and no reply is necessary. It just helps to vent once in a while.


Things aren't going very well here in Boston. I've been on a steep downward spiral since August, and my docs have been unable to do anything to slow it down. On my bad days, I cannot walk to the bathroom without assistance, and the bad days are getting much more frequent. Over this weekend, Bob is installing a gate (a sturdy one) across the front stairwell, because I'm so unsteady on my feet that we're all afraid I'll fall, and with my osteoporosis (also markedly worse according to the latest bone density test), I'd break my hip or something. I've also asked that Bob install hand rails down our hallway, and I wasn't kidding around.

My latest X-rays show that the spine never did much healing beyond the original post-surgery X-rays. Happily, that also means I don't have to have the surgery again, since I won't heal and what's the point? I tease Bob and the kids that if someone tail ends the car, my head is going to fall off and roll down the street. (And that they should call one of those TV lawyers and collect some big bucks if it does) The spine, shoulder and arm are still very painful, and I didn't regain the full range of motion. I can't carry anything much in my left hand anymore, but I've worked out one handed bead weaving. It's slow, but I manage.

Yesterday I had an arrhythmia episode that caused me to faint while I was lying down. That leaves me in a bit of a quandary, since lying down is what I usually do to regain consciousness. The episode left me so wiped that I slept from 8 a.m. until 8 p.m., (after my night's sleep) with only a few short wakings to get a drink, then I went to bed for my usual two hours at a stretch before the pain wakes me. I can still bead for short periods, as long as I'm completely reclined in my chair.

My cardiologist and pulmonologist agree that I am not a candidate for any kind of transplant - I used to be too well for one, and now I'm too sick. The best we can hope for is to slow down the deterioration. At this week's appointment, my pulmonologist told me that my lungs were "semi-functional, and that's a kind assessment."

On a good day, I can go for a ride with Bob and perhaps go out to lunch, as long as I take a good long nap before and after. I have to use a wheelchair about 75% of the time when we're out of the house, and I usually have DD, Bob or P/T D supporting me when I walk. If I'm volunteering at the school, I sit in my chair and the kids come to me. We're considering taking the Bug off the road, since driving is now pretty much totally out of the question. (It's insured through January, and I'll make a final decision then)

The kids and I were listening to Alanis Morrisette, and I commented that her definition of ironic was more than a little off. Naturally, they wanted examples. I told them that I'm still gaining weight, even though I get too tired to eat (how whacked is that? eating exhausts me), but my heart is too weak to get rid of all the excess fluid. Gaining weight on fewer than 800 calories a day is definitely ironic. Becki - I'm drinking nutritional drinks (ugh) to make sure I get the vitamins/minerals/protein I need, as well as taking Flax Seed oil, MSM, a multivitamin and calcium. (The doc okayed that regimen, but I was warned against any kind of herb. Ever since I went into anaphylactic shock from Tom's of Maine toothpaste, we're all very wary of plant products)

BTW, the cardiologist and I are trying to find some kind of potassium sparing diuretic - if I get even a little low on potassium, I have arrhythmia problems, and taking potassium tablets isn't helping. Bob checked every brand of juice at the market, and I now drink the ones with the most potassium per serving. I don't do bananas: they have to be green, but not too green, and I trust no one to pick them out for me.

If I owe anyone email, snail mail or phone calls, please forgive me. It's just not happening right now, although I remain hopeful that things will get at least a little better sometime soon. Maybe when we get a frost, the allergies will stop triggering the asthma and I'll feel a little better.

Thanks for listening to me gripe and moan. I'd get up for a little whine with that, but it's too much of a PITA.

Kathy N-V

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Kathy N-V
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I will remember you in my prayers, Kathy. God Bless and hope you get well soon.

Many warm hugs!

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Bead Sprite

Ditto here.

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Prayers and good vibes --


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Don't know what else to say, except that if I were there, I'd give you a big old hug and fetch Diet Coke for you on demand!

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Barbara Forbes-Lyons

Well, hell, Kathy, what're we gonna do with you!

Two possibly useful suggestions. I'm on Maxzide, which is pretty much only a diuretic and is supposed to be potassium sparing. I'm a little doubtful about this, though, but hey I'm in AZ where sweating is a way of life. I've found a wonderful juice drink that's fairly natural and, depending on the flavor, loaded with potassium (and low-ish in sodium). It's Kern's fruit juice drinks, which come in soda-sized cans and usually lives in the juice aisle. My favorites are apricot and peach, which have about 300 mg of potassium each. They're not thick, like the "nectar" type juices, very drinakble. If you don't have them near you, I'd be glad to send you some flavors (not banana) for you to try out.

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I was going to ask whether someplace like AZ, where the mold and humidity aren't such issues, wouldn't be a better place for you to live. Maybe you would have less athsma and allergies there. I never had any of it until I move here to coastal Virginia.

I hope you will be miraculously healed! And whine all you like,we'll get you some cheese to go with that and turn it into a party until you feel better!

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Same here. Diana

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Diana Curtis

aren't such issues, wouldn't be a better place for you to live. Maybe you would have less athsma and allergies there. I never had any of it until I move here to coastal Virginia.<

Um, think again! To quote Mike "too damn many easterners have moved in and tried to turn the desert into Minnesota." I still live on Clarinex, though it's more seasonal here, instead of all the time. The humidity isn't nearly as much of an issue, but there are plenty of pollens, and dust is much worse. The mold thing baffles me, but I've been told homeowner's insurance here has skyrocketed because of mold claims. Who knew????

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A friend's son was just put on a potassium sparing diuretic; I will find out the name and tell you.

How much and often are you taking the MSM? According to the book I read you can have as much as 4 teaspoons a day (20G) as long as you take it in smaller amounts broken up through the day.

I'm praying for your healing every day, and I hope a concentrated dose of RCB vibes will help soon!! Sarajane

Sarajane's Polymer Clay Gallery

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{{{{{{{{{{Kathy}}}}}}}}}} I really wish there was something I could do to make things better for you, Kathy. If you think of anything that would help, please LMK as I am more than willing!!

Carol in SLC

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Carol in SLC

Kathy, you are much loved here and everywhere! Your generosity, your wonderful stories, your loving nature, your amazing one-handed beadwork and for a million and one other things. Many prayers for better days for you soon. hugZ, Linda

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I wish I could do something to make things better for you. You are in my prayers, always.

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I want to warn you...don't use baby gates for this! My cat (all 11lbs of him) jumped on one of ours that we use for the dag, and it went Kablooee! Maybe installing a door would help?

My boyfriend's father had the same kind of surgery you had (the one I will probably need later on in life too) and his didn't heal either. After a long time with pain, he's finally found meds that will help. But I'm assuming that you can't take some kinds of meds because of what you already take.

As for the potassium...there is a fruit drink out there called Fuze. I know it hads TONS of vitamins and minerals in it, it comes in many flavors and most taste delicious. If you can't find any up there, let me know and I'll send you a couple bottles. I'm not exactly sure how much potassium it has, but the next time I get one I'll look and report back to you.

I feel your pain Kathy. Being immobile is no fun, especially when the prospects of recovery aren't what you want them to be. You have tons of vibes headed your way, and please let us know if you need anything ok?

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Believe it or not, people come to Alaska for better air, and very low humidity,etc.


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Christina Peterson

You're right Kathy, it does. I hoped it helped even just a little though I can appreciate the effort it must have taken you to type this.

Please accept these pain release and healing vibes, I'm still vibrating. They don't work for myself but others who need them more.

I'm sending you the bigguns!

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((((((((((hugs))))))))))) ~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`positive healing vibes~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~` We love you, Kathy. Vent all you want.

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Kandice Seeber

Oh Kathy, I am feeling for you and I hope you will feel better soon. Shirley

In article , Kathy N-V writes

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Shirley Shone

oh, god, Kathy...

here's big hugs for my auntie Kathy...wish there was *some* way I could come out there and help...even if all I did was do a scrubdown of the house for you!


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