OT: snow in Seattle

LOTS of it. CNN actually just did 5min on it. with all those hills, and all those people who don't know how to drive in snow, i think i'd find a way not to drive!

talked to Jamie a while ago. she slipped and fell because of the snow, but thinks her back is still okay. [thank heavens!] at this point, she's GLAD she has that office job!

----------- @vicki [SnuggleWench] (Books)

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----------- The measure of the menace of a man is not what hardware he carries, but what ideas he believes.-- Jeff Jordan

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freezing rain just started up here on my hill. We were lucky with the snow - or lack of it - we had a tremendous wind storm that seemed to blow all of our snow into the valley. But I don't think we are going to escape the freezing rain :(

Oh well, it IS winter after all. So much for Seattle being "mild" in the winter though!

Stay warm and safe, Pam

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vj found this in rec.crafts.beads, from "Pam" :

]So much for Seattle being "mild" in the ]winter though!

that's what Jamie keeps saying.

----------- @vicki [SnuggleWench] (Books)

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----------- The measure of the menace of a man is not what hardware he carries, but what ideas he believes.-- Jeff Jordan

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we got 8 inches!! and we made a snowman and went sledding in our front yard. Later today, i'll put pix on my website in the family page. So, keep checking it.

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vj found this in rec.crafts.beads, from "Pam" :

]So much for Seattle being "mild" in the ]winter though!

i have a friend that lives on a BOAT in one of the harbors in Seattle. she has GOT to be freezing to death!

----------- @vicki [SnuggleWench] (Books)

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----------- The measure of the menace of a man is not what hardware he carries, but what ideas he believes.-- Jeff Jordan

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ROFL, this is really rare, even the natives around us are telling us that.

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Woohoo! You have an opportunity to make an igloo. I haven't done that for years, not enough snow at one time but it's loads of fun and actually quite warm.

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We could...it would actually be hard enough now....but we won't, as the sun is going down now, and everything's beginning to melt...sigh. Oh well, we had fun. Pix are up now. ON the Family Stuff Page.

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Looks like your dd had as much fun in the snow as mine did this weekend. Here's my dd in the white stuff...

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What a sweet pretty girl! Looks like she had a lot of fun.

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vj found this in rec.crafts.beads, from "Jalynne" :


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what fun! and your Aleesha is a DOLL!

----------- @vicki [SnuggleWench] (Books)

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----------- The measure of the menace of a man is not what hardware he carries, but what ideas he believes.-- Jeff Jordan

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On Tue, 6 Jan 2004 19:55:21 -0500, MargieK wrote (in message ):

I especially love the picture of "Dolly Dee." My own DD has a doll named "Regular Baby*" She got Regular Baby for her first birthday, and the doll looks about as loved as Dolly Dee.

RB no longer has fingers or toes, and was decapitated several years ago. DD wouldn't hear of getting a replacement, and I ended up spending big $$$ at a doll hospital to have her head sewed back on and a new cloth body made. I could have bought a _new_ Regular Baby for far less than the cost of repairs. (And I actually found one in Berlin at about that time) Also, repairs couldn't replace RB's missing eye. (don't ask)

I wish I could get frequent flyer miles for that doll. It's been all over the world, and we have all kinds of pictures of Regular Baby at major tourist sites: "And Here's Regular Baby at the Eiffel Tower!" We've been calling the doll that for so long that the name doesn't even sound wierd to us anymore.

** Doll is named Regular Baby because she is one of the few dolls that DD had that didn't do anything. She doesn't take batteries, walk, talk or poop, she's just a _regular baby_.

Yes, we know she's a wierd kid. We like her that way.

Kathy N-V

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Kathy N-V

Well, you know that snow is like sex -- you never know how many inches you're going to get, or how long it will last! Enjoy it while it's there, and think of me languishing in cold (for here) but distinctly *un*snowy Texas.


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Lee S. Billings

Where are you at, Pam? I am in North Bend, and we haven't had the freezing rain yet - it's still snowing at 11:30pm, with some winds. It's still 25 degrees out there, and has been snowing for several hours. I am hoping we miss the freezing rain, but I am not counting on it. :)

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Kandice Seeber

No shoes in the snow! Ack! She's soooo adorable, Margie!

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Kandice Seeber

As did your daughter. I looked at your daughter's other pictures, what a beautiful ballerina she is!

Did you ever find a pattern for the ballerina you wanted to make for her? That was so long ago, I be forgettin'.

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Thanks! Nope, I never did find one. I've found a couple of beads, but they were not of great quality. As far as a quilt pattern goes...i may just have to draft one....but that'll be later in the year.

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This sounds so familiar! I've replaced the bonnet, restuffed her head and have sewn countless places where the material is just giving up the ghost. I have not been able to replace Dolly Dee aka Bride of Chuckie, Kathy. So you're one step up on me, at least you know where Regular Baby's replacement is. My friends and I have searched far and wide for this same dolly, they just don't make her anymore though we have found very similar ones. I've thought of taking Dee to the doll doctor but truthfully I found the same face on another doll and can do it myself BUT then dd says that if I reface (?) her, then it wouldn't be Dee anymore. That's five years of lovin' that just can't be replaced. LOL Maybe when she's a bit older and leaves her home a lot more (she's already beginning to do that, can't take her to school) she'll let me put a happy smile on her face to replace the current gash. Have to love those lovies.

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That's my goofy husband's fault and of course she's game. ugh

She is a cutie that's for sure, thank you. :=)

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Hi Kandice, I'm up on Tolt Hill, just outside of Fall City/Carnation... we just got our power back on a couple hours ago - it went out about 11:00 last night and was out most of the day. I see you got 18" of snow - yikes! - we got maybe an inch or two plus all this frozen rain stuff and we are only about 20 minutes from you I'm guessing - crazy weather! Couldn't see out our windows today for the sheet of frozen water on them - looked like a big sheet of that crackle glass. Our driveway is super steep and is sheer ice. DH tried to walk down it and up to the neighbor's house to get me my mocha (neighbor braved the roads for his espresso addiction and called to see if we wanted anything) and couldn't get back up the driveway - had to cut through another neighbor's yard to avoid the hill. Crap keeps falling out of the trees and scaring the dogs (and me) still - I keep expecting a tree to come through a window or skylight. So far so good though, just little branches and snow bombs.

The good news is I couldn't do much today so I finished my mom's "galaxy" necklace I've been working on for months... will take a picture and post soon. It came out ok, I'm just glad it's done finally.

Hope you have power and are staying warm!


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