OT sorta (jewelry related) Weeee- another opportunity

Ok so a friend of mine knows some people that are going to open a "high-end" pet supply store in a pretty wealthy area of Atlanta. He and his fiancé thought that perhaps pet related jewelry might also sell. They have close ties to the opening (he's providing all the computers, software, and programming, she's a rep for a high end pet food company).

So - I know there are all kinds of wonderful animal beads and charms that can be used for earrings, necklaces, and bracelets. (time to start checking out the bead animal artists). I was also thinking of making silver pet name tags for collars.

So - this is exciting - a bit off my usual stuff though :)

Also - anyone have any other ideas for pet related items? I just found out about this yesterday - so I'm still brainstorming.

Kathy K

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Oh, how exciting for you Kathy.. How about beaded collars, beaded jackets, beaded anklets (saw one lady put nail-polish on her doggys' toenails and thought of this)..

The possibilities are endless really. Some people go to great lengths for their animals - especially the wealthier ones..


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vj found this in rec.crafts.beads, from AmazeR :

]How about beaded collars, beaded ]jackets, beaded anklets

seconded! anything made of cloth or leather can be beaded!

]The possibilities are endless really. Some people go to great lengths for ]their animals - especially the wealthier ones..

no kidding!!!!

----------- @vicki [SnuggleWench] (Books)

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What a fun stretch for the imagination!

A collar made of firepolish (maybe even a just for show Swarovski one) -- a couple rows of RAW on Soft Flex.

Pendants with some of those animal findings for lampwork. Or pendants made of animal beads.


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Christina Peterson

A coupla weeks ago when I was in a bead warehouse in NYC, a fabulous older woman came in with one of her clients. The client was the cutest little bichon frise, who "needed" a new collar and matching bow. This woman told me that she had been a handbag designer for years and years, and that after she retired, she started making "jewelry" for her cats and dogs, and now she makes more money doing that than she ever made with the bags.

She said that the animals have to come to her apartment for a consultation, and then they go shopping for the beads, rhinestones, gems, etc.

The old man who owns the warehouse said that she comes in just about everyday with everything from cats and dogs to lizards!!

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vj found this in rec.crafts.beads, from "lgreene" :

]now she makes more money doing that than she ever made with the ]bags. ]She said that the animals have to come to her apartment for a consultation, ]and then they go shopping for the beads, rhinestones, gems, etc. ]The old man who owns the warehouse said that she comes in just about ]everyday with everything from cats and dogs to lizards!! ]Gotta love it

when it works, YES! **chuckle**

----------- @vicki [SnuggleWench] (Books)

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----------- I pledge allegiance to the Constitution of the United States of America, and to the republic which it established, one nation from many peoples, promising liberty and justice for all.

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Oooh, that's awesome!!!

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Kandice Seeber

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Keith keeps telling me that my cats need Swarovski crystal RAW collars. He says Topaz would really like one but I don't think Phil would.

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JL Paules

Heehee, I love making this kind of stuff for my own girl dog. She loves to wear it too and shows it off with pride. I've made so far: I sewed a shirt for her (which wasn't done well mind you, I don't sew normally!) with beaded trim and a beaded polo style collar attached that was also embellished(please, no one ask for pics of this, as I said, it's not done well. LOL! Once I have the time to learn to sew it will be redone) A store bought collar embellished with beads, using bead embroidery.

*Countless* necklaces that she looses constantly. I always use jumprings with these, if she goes snuffling through the bushes and gets caught the necklace will break at the jumprings, won't hang her up and can be repaired easily, as long as I can find it again. I've also seen charm necklaces on dogs (and look at the bell idea with cats...change that to charms!), although I haven't made something like that yet. I figure that anything *we* can wear a dog (or very tolerant cat) can wear (aside from pierced earrings!) with some slight alterations as long as the dog/cat/pet will tolerate it. Fortunately my little girl mutt will tolerate me putting her in a pink tutu if I so desired (maybe for Halloween...). The ideas are endless...beaded bandanas (I'm thinking Swarovski embellished), beaded visors/hats, whatever. You can also buy the "blanks" and embellish them. I'm sure somewhere out there will sell wholesale plain collars and dog t-shirts to do this with. Use bead embroidery or something to write out a funny pet saying or joke on a collar or shirt... I've long considered doing this same thing. There *is* a market out there, I mean look at what Hollywood celebs will pay for this kind of stuff for their pooches! Sure the average Joe doesn't have *that* kind of cash, but most animal lovers like to get something special for their animals once in awhile. Good luck!


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Check out my site for the RCB Member Links! E-mail me for details on submission!

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I *so* dig this. :-D

~~ Sooz

------- "Those in the cheaper seats clap. The rest of you rattle your jewelry." John Lennon (1940 - 1980) Royal Varieties Performance ~ Dr. Sooz's Bead Links

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Dr. Sooz

Phil! Phil? OMG!! Who named him Phil? ~~ Sooz

------- "Those in the cheaper seats clap. The rest of you rattle your jewelry." John Lennon (1940 - 1980) Royal Varieties Performance ~ Dr. Sooz's Bead Links

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Dr. Sooz

My female grey & white husky wore a homemade rhinestone-encrusted bandana around her neck when she was a puppy. A friend made it -- it had a picture of Pee Wee Herman sewn onto it, too. She outgrew it by the time she was 5 months old. It was a scream!

Stuff for pets will sell, especially if you make it funny. Or cute (unfortunately cutesy sells best, though it makes me gag). Though funny-cute is something I do like.....tutus on a dog, haw! (My husky wore hers around her neck, like a clown collar.) Or fairy wings, if they'll allow it for more than

2 seconds.....(the smaller, the better -- they won't be as bugged by it)

~~ Sooz

------- "Those in the cheaper seats clap. The rest of you rattle your jewelry." John Lennon (1940 - 1980) Royal Varieties Performance ~ Dr. Sooz's Bead Links

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Dr. Sooz

Keith did. It's actually short for Phileas Fogg as in "Around the World in

80 Days." He's our little explorer/adventurer. Plus that cat can put out a type of "fog" that will clear a room..........but we didn't learn about that until after we brought him home from the shelter.
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JL Paules

Oh please warn thee before you do that... LOL


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This is one cat whose tail you don't want to pull even a little bit. PEE-YEW!!

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JL Paules

Thanks everyone for all the ideas and encouragement! I had though about collars, but thought they would need a quick release fastener (my cat's collars have these - of course I can only get Lilea to wear a collar, Calybe manages to take hers off in about 2 minutes).

As far as RAW and beading on materials - I'm a stringer and I don't know how to do any of that! But if anyone here wants to be a supplier for me - email me!!!

I think this will be fun (even if I have to do some cutesy stuff!)

Kathy K

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Here's a place I get some really cute silver animal-related charms:

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KDK wrote:

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Marisa Exter

oooh thanks!!!

Here's a place I get some really cute silver animal-related charms:

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KDK wrote:

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These people don't list their prices because the charms are sold by weight, but I think if you ask you can get a catalog showing the weight of each charm. Then you can find out how much they're currently getting per gram and calculate the prices.

There's an even better place here in Houston, but they don't have a website -- and Treasure Island has some stuff that they don't carry.


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Lee S. Billings

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