OT: update on ChocoBats

I should explain to those of you who have never had the bats (or cats, this year): they're not really choco-, they're cocoa-. In other words, they're not dipped in chocolate, they're covered in a yummy, slightly crunchy cocoa powder.

So don't be disappointed when you get them! I actually like them BETTER than chocolate-covered. I am not kidding. :-O

~~ Sooz To live a creative life, we must lose our fear of being wrong. ~~Joseph Chilton Pearce

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Dr. Sooz
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Hm. Sooz, I'm glad you clarified, as I expected the marshmallow itself to be chocolate - i.e., the cocoa mixed into the marshmallow before molded.

One day, one day I will try these. I've never seen them here, but that's okay, as it'll be another year before I hit my target weight.

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Alison Bowes

The marshmallow has a nice cocoa taste, unlike regular (plain) peeps. But it's white colored. ~~ Sooz To live a creative life, we must lose our fear of being wrong. ~~Joseph Chilton Pearce

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Dr. Sooz

an almost fudgy peep poop.

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JoAnn Paules

Um, I don't think it was. I ate them and I'd swear they were a light brown inside. I don't remember white. But then again, who was looking. I was too busy savoring the flavor................

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JoAnn Paules

I got some filled pumpkin Peeps this evening. My Dollar Tree only had the filled pumpkins and the regular pumpkins.

I was quite happy in my non-Peep liking status. Now I have to live with having said this: Oh! Precious Peep!: when one of them fell out of the package and onto the couch. You evil Peep Pushers, you. LOL

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Haw! I don't even eat the darn things and I'm running all over God's creation trying to find them for my RCB cocoa fiends. LOL

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Nope, they were white. I ate so many you cannot even imagine it. ~~ Sooz To live a creative life, we must lose our fear of being wrong. ~~Joseph Chilton Pearce

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Dr. Sooz

HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAW HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW!! HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAW ~~ Sooz To live a creative life, we must lose our fear of being wrong. ~~Joseph Chilton Pearce

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Dr. Sooz

I am just soooooo strong!

Actually i was eating dinner in the car :)

And the cats are pretty tasty!!

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The cats appear to have the very faintest of light brown in the marshmallow. Very tasty. Have I said that yet?

And I'm happy to share - let me know if you want/need cocoa-cats or filled pumpkins.

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......and the marshmallow ones are good too.


KDK wrote:

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Ray DeVous

I will never give in to the lure of peeps! Never!!!!!!

Seriously though, I have a stomach that rebels at anything that's too sweet. Most marshmallow concoctions fall under the "too sweet" label for me. Which is annoying, because I love pinwheel cookies, and those new s'mores candy bars. Eating those things must be done slowly, nibble by nibble, with a big glass of milk.


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Trust me -- I would've eaten the cats first. Probably at top speed, and thrown the dinner out the window as I drove (who needs it when you have COCOACATS???). ~~ Sooz To live a creative life, we must lose our fear of being wrong. ~~Joseph Chilton Pearce

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Dr. Sooz

Oh good! Amber, go buy a bunch of cocoacats, then look at them and say, "What was I thinking?" and mail them to ME. ~~ Sooz To live a creative life, we must lose our fear of being wrong. ~~Joseph Chilton Pearce

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Dr. Sooz

True, but they are still white. Well, I think they are. I think. (Do I?) What---- oh, look, a butterfly!

I NEED COCOACATS! I still have not found any here! >sobbing piteously, loudly, and heartbreakingly< ~~ Sooz To live a creative life, we must lose our fear of being wrong. ~~Joseph Chilton Pearce

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Dr. Sooz

I had better stock up on Cocoacats for Sooz.


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Dr. Sooz wrote:

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Kalera Stratton

Well I'll put some in the mail for tomorrow then. You want some filled pumpkins too??

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No -- there's no room for those damn pumpkins! They poop fudge!

ONLY CATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ~~ Sooz To live a creative life, we must lose our fear of being wrong. ~~Joseph Chilton Pearce

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Dr. Sooz

Y'know, before I started visiting this group I had no clue that halloween peeps even existed. I was well aware of the brightly colored bunnies and chicks that appear every easter (it's sort of impossible to not see those), but I've never seen halloween peeps.

I shall have to go on a quest for cocoacats, just so I can see what they look like. and if I should find some, and anyone here does need said cats, I shall gladly send them off, just so the marshmallow evil is out of kentucky.


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